Everyone can make a mistake regardless of experience level. Better to deal with the mistake on the surface.
To amplify this, there is a lot of anxiety and pre-dive stress that some people feel with pressured to hurry into the water. This can lead to extra mistakes. Group leaders can certainly do this responsibly and double check everyone first, but that is not how it always works out. Don't be pressured to cut corners on safety.
Agree that everyone makes mistakes... there's times shampoo gets in my eyes when I'm in the shower, and I've been washing my hair over half a century. Now for me it isn't better to deal with a mistake on the surface, few feet below gives me more control and if there's a hard bottom that's the ultimate location to adjust stuff.
I happen to enjoy negative entries, seems counterintuitive to jump in and immediately reverse the downward motion. Do a back-roll, stretch and continue the motion down. Actually the full process is, drink the last bit of water, start breathing the reg while unwrapping a few yards of line on the flag reel, wait for husband to disengage the engine, tell him that I love him and then, do the back-roll,stretch and do the dive.
As far as anxiety and pre-dive stress, maybe for people during instruction or on the first dozen dives, but shouldn't people reassess their recreational activities if they produce anxiety or stress? I admit to be on a rush to get in the water sometimes but is because I've been drinking too much on the way to the site and I need to pee.
The thing is, there is best practice and procedures for different dives. Some dives need negative entry. Asking or expecting the Captain or crew to vary their procedure to accommodate your specific needs isn’t always ideal. If they can without compromising the others on the boat or the dive I am sure they will. But expecting a boat to vary their procedure to meet your requirments isn’t always reasonable.
In short, if you are not comfortable with the requirements of any specific dive, don't do the dive.
I pretty much stopped going on charters but unless they tell you in advance the highlights of their process, I would expect them to accommodate my needs, something about "paying customer" and them providing "a service" you know.
Remember some operators insisting on getting an ok sign after separating from the vessel, felt like an annoyance having to use one hand for that instead of getting in the water all tucked in. I believe it to be a control thing, if you need anything you'll ask, if you continue down is because you have what you need. On top of that some boats have quite a freeboard so you jump several yards down and you have to comeback up? pfff