I think that "careless and uncaring" and "reckless" are not infreqent, especially in developing countries. I've been to Central America over 30 times and my biggest fear there is not an earthquake or a mugging. It's the drivers. They are nuts. "Fatalistic" is how they characterize it.
So it is with many of their boat "captains" and how they operate. "Caveat emptor" with all of these dive operations. Makes no sense to single out this one because I have seen lapses in protocol or reckless behaviors in many places.
Even in Florida when the "divemaster" explains the dive plans for that day and makes a stupid remark like "and we had so many beers last night" etc. be extra vigilant. Alcohol plays a much bigger part in marine accidents than many people want to admit.
So it is with many of their boat "captains" and how they operate. "Caveat emptor" with all of these dive operations. Makes no sense to single out this one because I have seen lapses in protocol or reckless behaviors in many places.
Even in Florida when the "divemaster" explains the dive plans for that day and makes a stupid remark like "and we had so many beers last night" etc. be extra vigilant. Alcohol plays a much bigger part in marine accidents than many people want to admit.
Ocean One:BeautyBelow asked my question.
Also, please don't be afraid to let the rest of us know what dive operations you were with. We may wish to avoid them if they are that careless and uncaring aboput their customers. Maybe when they have none they'll wonder why!?!?!?!?!?!