NE Fl Ocean Currents

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I am doing my open water checkout dives this weekend at the springs, but am already looking forward to other dive experiences. I am assuming based on what I saw during a couple of fishing trips the currents off of Jax and St. Augustine are probably somewhat of an issue when diving.

How much experience in calmer water should I get before venturing out on one of the dive boats?

*** And don't worry, I thought about getting certified for about 25 years and am just now getting there.... I'm in no rush to create a situation that is potentially dangerous.
I am doing my open water checkout dives this weekend at the springs, but am already looking forward to other dive experiences. I am assuming based on what I saw during a couple of fishing trips the currents off of Jax and St. Augustine are probably somewhat of an issue when diving.

How much experience in calmer water should I get before venturing out on one of the dive boats?

*** And don't worry, I thought about getting certified for about 25 years and am just now getting there.... I'm in no rush to create a situation that is potentially dangerous.

Hitch a ride with H2Andy (from Jax) the next time he comes South. We'd love to have you with us on our beach dives or our close-to-shore boat dives.

Seriously enough, you might want to post your plans here under Private Trips and see if one of our group is diving any of your local boats. This is a great place to meet some great, experienced dive buddies.

Good luck and safe ascents,
no worry about currents, been diving jax a lot and only had a few dives where current was a problem. Enjoy the great diving we have in NE FL!
We were out of Daytona today, kind of nearby, the current was about average they said at 0.5-0.75 knots, pretty slow really, not as fast as you find down in the SE, shouldnt be too much worry - the only thing is that its a few miles boat ride (10+, 30mins+) out there and most wrecks are around 70-80ft - i would get some experience before jumping in that deep in the ocean - not much, but a little. Of course some of us would be more than happy to tag along anytime :wink:
We were out of Daytona today, kind of nearby, the current was about average they said at 0.5-0.75 knots, pretty slow really, not as fast as you find down in the SE, shouldnt be too much worry - the only thing is that its a few miles boat ride (10+, 30mins+) out there and most wrecks are around 70-80ft - i would get some experience before jumping in that deep in the ocean - not much, but a little. Of course some of us would be more than happy to tag along anytime :wink:

Thanks for the info. Not that I have my OW Cert I'm ready for..... lots more peacful easy water diving to get better at some of the skills. Probably won't even try a Jax off shore trip until next summer.
Don't be overly shy - most of the reputable boat operators will give reasonably good advice regarding current and conditions. Just call around before taking a trip, being sure to mention that you don't have much experience and want to make sure that you dive within the limits of your training. Most boats have a dive master who can help you partner with somebody who will help you learn the ropes.

Congrats on your certification. Welcome to our world. The offer stands for boat and beach diving in South Florida, should the mood strike to come down here. Also, you might want to try your hand in some of the springs near Gainesville. They're clear and reasonably deep and suitable for a novice diver. I began diving in springs and quarries, and it was a great experience - lots of time to focus on dive skills while getting used to the novelty of the underwater environment. Blue Grotto and Devil's Den, both near Williston, are good places to start. Ginnie Springs is also very nice, but the diving there involves caverns, which you should probably not enter for a while, even though the operators will let you in.

Best wishes and safe ascents,

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