as I hear it, he hates Miami!
BTW, for what it's really worth... I do really like Bobby Bowden. I have met him several time in person, and think he has a lot of integrity. In fact my Father in Law (Earl Gartman) was Bobby's coach in college (don't ask me which one, as I don't remember). He has all sorts of memorabilia like footballs inscribed "To a coach's coach" and the like.
One day around Thanksgiving over ten years ago, I went to pick up my son at "Papa's" (Papa = Earl) house. As soon as Mama answered the door, I hear this command come from the back room... "Hey Pete, get in here, you just gotta see this!" Even when they are retired, you just don't disobey a coach's orders, so back I went.
There sat my son on Bobby's knee, just a giggling and playing with his new friend. Papa (a jokester, just like me) got a big grin on his face and said "Go ahead Buster, do it again!"
Of course, my well trained son thrust his right hand into the air and with a cry of triumph said "Go Ga-ers!" (He didn't quite have that "t" sound down yet). I am not sure who laughed the hardest, my son, Papa, or Saint Bobby. But I know my son got a tickle for his efforts.
A few years later, Earl died and Bobby came down to do the eulogy. It was a sad time as "Pappa" and "Buster" were incredibly close. No one else ever called my son "Buster"... in fact my nick for him is "Bugs". So imagine my surprise when Bobby came up to him, hugged him, and said "Don't do me like you did before Buster, I don't think I can take that today..." He put the grief of a little boy ahead of his own and he remembered a nickname that he hadn't heard in years. Yeah, I like Bobby... even though he coaches a girls school! :tease: BTW, typing this still brings tears to my eyes.