Navy seal equipmet

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I'll bite.... What is SWAG?

This thread was started by Spoon (from the Philippines).

SWAG is the Philippine Navy’s Naval Special Warfare Group—basically their SEAL equivalent.
SEA...AIR...and...Land = SEAL

Basic Underwater Demolitions = BUDS training

The Discovery Channel has a great video on BUDS Class 234...It takes you through each evolution (test) from day one to graduation...Out of 83 men only 17 graduate...It's wild to see some make it past hell week only to mess it up in basic would think that all who test would be at least comfortable in water!

Actualy BUDS = BUD/S = Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training.

BUD training predates the existence of SEALs. I believe it had its origins in WW2 Underwater Demolitions Teams (UDT) training. They combined it into BUD/S after the SEALs were created. I don't know if their is still a separate UDT group and what their training is like.
Actualy BUDS = BUD/S = Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training.

BUD training predates the existence of SEALs. I believe it had its origins in WW2 Underwater Demolitions Teams (UDT) training. They combined it into BUD/S after the SEALs were created. I don't know if their is still a separate UDT group and what their training is like.

The UDT teams became part of SEAL teams sometime in 1983, the powers to be thinking that their mission was duplicated by SEAL assets. The original UDT teams that cleared beacheads of obstructions dating back to the Pacific campaigns of WW2 trained in Ft. Pierce, FL(Site of the UDT/SEAL museum). Later the training was called Basic Underwater Demolition and moved to Little Creek, Va. On 01 Jan 62, President Kennedy signed legislation to create the SEAL teams as we know them. A second training facility was opened in Coronado, Ca. to train West coast SEALs and the name was officially changed to BUD/S. SEALs and UDT men trained side by side until the teams merged in '83 and other than Army Airborne Jump School and some other specialty schools that the SEALs went on to, the UDTs, affectionally known as "FROGS" had the same level of training of the SEALs and ops were frequently run with a mix of FROGS and SEALs.
I have some cool stuff I was able to keep when leaving the navy. I have work with Team 4 and Team 10. To tell you the truth, the more gear you think they have and use, its the opposite. they use less. all of these fancy gadgets and computers and rebreathers. yea they do have some neat stuff..These guys do deserve much respect, but they do bleed, just like you and me.
:D lol I love the military camo wet suit... I want one so bad now that I have seen it lol. It is just awesome.... did I say I like it yet? LOL
I'll bite.... What is SWAG?

Ahh - Phillipine SEAL equivalents - your answer popped up while I was typing.

In engineering circles, SWAG is an acronym for "Some Wild-Assed Guess". Very handy for initial budget or intital time to complete estimates. Generally means somwhere between + or - 50% to + or - 100% - and nature usually shows reality leans toward the + side.
I kind of like the Limpet mine....for disabling and destroying surface vessels that come to close to diver below flags...:)
I have some cool stuff I was able to keep when leaving the navy. I have work with Team 4 and Team 10.

Hey Seaboy -

You didn't happen to keep a 24' RIB did ya? If you got 2 I'll take one off your hands:D
You work stateside or Ops?


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