Name your favourite Shark

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Hi there all

Without doubt, my favorite Shark is the Great White.

Why do I like (love) this type of shark so much you ask. I think back to the days when I played football for the Beacon Hill Bears. We had a saying that went "If you're going to be a Bear, be a Grizzly Bear". I think the same applies to sharks. If you're going to be a Shark, be a Great White Shark.

They can be big and mean when hungry, or big and graceful if they are just cruising. Their presence demands caution and respect. They are one of the few creatures left on this planet that the majority of mankind is afraid of. They are mysterious. No one has seen them mate or give birth.

A Great White Shark incident (a better word I think, than attack) gets more air time and newspaper space than Tom Cruise surfing on Oprah's couch. That, in it-self is no mean feat.

They might be the apex predator of the ocean, but due to mans massive insecurities and need to kill all that threaten, the Great White Shark is also an underdog, and we all know how much we all love an underdog, especially here in OZ.

These, and many other reasons, is why the Great White is my favorite.

I went to South Africa to dive with the GW, but unfortunately the Sharks there were not to accommodating, though I did see them from the boat.

A few years later, I went to Port Linchon, South Australia, and dived with them there. The 4 days I spent diving with them, are without doubt one of the absolute highlights of my life. I had a Nikonos V with me and got some good shots. I can not wait to get back there with my digital setup and shot more that 36 shots per dive.

My favorite shark moment would have to be when we first saw a Great White at the back of the boat in South OZ, as due to bad weather, we did not expect to see sharks. The sight of 5 grown men running around like children, half naked, in 13C degree temp, putting wet suits on would have been an hilarious sight for the uneducated.

Regards to all

Although i haven't had many dives where sharks have been present, we had a chance to dive Coral Coast Fiji earlier this year and saw heaps of White tips and a big Leopard Shark. So i'm picking Leopard Sharks as my fav. The one we saw was close to 3 metres and just a beautiful big placid creature. We were in awe.

The white tips were very cool too. :cool2:

Bull Sharks (or Bulla sharks as the Fijians call them :) ) scare the bejeebus outta me. I dont want to come across any of those with out planning to!
Oh, i almost forgot!! My other favourites are the Port Jackson Sharks! They are small and cool looking:

I would have to say my favorite is the Sand Tiger. I say this cause I have had the privilege of diving with these sharks the most.

I have seen Bulls, Lemons, & Nurse sharks on occasion in FL. A Hammerhead, from the boat, off the oil rigs in LA, and the only Great White was on TV.

My favorite encounter was 4 years ago on my first dive off Morehead City, NC to the wreck called The Spar. This is where I saw schooling Sand Tigers, an awesome site! I now make at least two trips there a year for hopefully more repeat encounters.

Yep, would have to be the Port Jackson, purely based on their looks :)

GW's... terrify me!

We'll be diving with GNS in the coming months so I'll have to update you all on how that goes and if they come another favorite O_O
Have limited dives with sharks, have only met white-tip reef, black-tip reef, grey reef, nurse sharks & thresher sharks... Favourite is the beautiful thresher sharks at Malapascua Philippines. The beautiful big eyes, slimmering body & the long graceful tail - unforgettable.
My favorite shark may be the basking shark... it don't get no respect like the whale shark.
I like our local soupfins... big and impressively "sharky" looking, but not likely to cause me harm. I also like to see the periodic aggregations of our local leopard sharks, which I understand are "females only" events.
Hi there all

Without doubt, my favorite Shark is the Great White.

Why do I like (love) this type of shark so much you ask. I think back to the days when I played football for the Beacon Hill Bears. We had a saying that went "If you're going to be a Bear, be a Grizzly Bear". I think the same applies to sharks. If you're going to be a Shark, be a Great White Shark.

They can be big and mean when hungry, or big and graceful if they are just cruising. Their presence demands caution and respect. They are one of the few creatures left on this planet that the majority of mankind is afraid of. They are mysterious. No one has seen them mate or give birth.

A Great White Shark incident (a better word I think, than attack) gets more air time and newspaper space than Tom Cruise surfing on Oprah's couch. That, in it-self is no mean feat.

They might be the apex predator of the ocean, but due to mans massive insecurities and need to kill all that threaten, the Great White Shark is also an underdog, and we all know how much we all love an underdog, especially here in OZ.

These, and many other reasons, is why the Great White is my favorite.

I went to South Africa to dive with the GW, but unfortunately the Sharks there were not to accommodating, though I did see them from the boat.

A few years later, I went to Port Linchon, South Australia, and dived with them there. The 4 days I spent diving with them, are without doubt one of the absolute highlights of my life. I had a Nikonos V with me and got some good shots. I can not wait to get back there with my digital setup and shot more that 36 shots per dive.

My favorite shark moment would have to be when we first saw a Great White at the back of the boat in South OZ, as due to bad weather, we did not expect to see sharks. The sight of 5 grown men running around like children, half naked, in 13C degree temp, putting wet suits on would have been an hilarious sight for the uneducated.

Regards to all


I wholeheartedly agree with you. I haven't dived with them yet, but I'm really looking forward to when I do.

I first saw Jaws when i was 5 and was terrified of sharks. But that terror grew to curiosity, and curiosity grew to fascination.

So I would have to say the Great White is at the top of my list, followed closely by the Whale Shark. I would love to go diving with Whale Sharks.

Grey Reef and White Tip Reef sharks would be an amazing experience as well.

I'm sure the more shark dives I do, the more species I will want to see.
The Grey Reef shark is my favorite! Not too big not too small and they just look like what a shark should look like they're a GOOD LOOKING shark. Never dove with on the sharks that I had the opportunity to dive with are little Horn sharks and Leapord sharks in California, Black tip Reef sharks and Lemon sharks in Tahiti and White tip Reef sharks in Hawaii.

But, in all, any time you get to dive with sharks, no matter the type, they are just amazing animals!!!

Lose the fear start the Love!!!

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