Thanks for a great write-up Jax. Lots of stuff to think about for sure.
A couple of comments, as one of the "Hooded Ones" (please note ingenious Cult reference

) at least partially involved in a couple of "intense" debriefs:
- I debated back and forth about wearing my hood, but 1) once in the water I was really quite comfortable. and 2) I was just too lazy to bother with adjusting my mask strap ... no really

3) I have Tech 1 aspirations, and figured I'd "practice as I'll play". I'll most likely need a hood for that class, so the more comfortable I get wearing it, the better. Those are my reasons. Other's may differ.
- while there certainly was some tension after the first couple of dives, getting those basics hashed out made for much more relaxed dives afterwards. I'm not big on confrontation in general, but I think the debriefs help cement the team and decrease stress in later dives, thus increasing fun. During one debrief in particular it became clear to me what I could have done to try to prevent the things that went sideways later.
- post-dive debriefs are as much about boosting a disappointed team mate.
- GUE EDGE pre dive; While it can seem a bit of a pain, I like getting those basic concerns out of the way. That way once you all splash, there's less of a risk of those "OH ****" moments, especially when you're hot-dropping in current
- As rigid as it may have seemed I had some absolutely fantastic dives with great team fun, communication and collaboration below (as well as above) water. I even went through a short swim-through and a bit into a (very open) wreck. Something I would never do with dive buddies I didn't trust as much as I do these guys.
I hope you - if not now, then later - got a lot of *good* out of the class, and that you don't/won't feel it was a complete waste.
Edit. I completely agree with Jax and Ringmod about the class material, and contacted JJ about them at the same time Ringmod did (we were in the same Fundies class). Jesper's book is a good 1st go, but has it's own oddities that could use some editing. As could the quality and format it is delivered in.