I think deep air diving discussions should be allowed.
1. If we take Michael Menduno's definition of "technical diving" as including dives deeper than 130 feet, air past that point may have a technical application.
2. Since helium isn't available everywhere, there are places that are opening themselves to exploration that might only being explored using air. Discussions about what is being discovered, the logistics of how dives are being conducted, and the science of deep diving as it pertains to all gases can be part of intelligent discussions only if such discussion is made possible.
3. Limiting any aspect of technical diving due to the current political climate will only encourage further limitations that may encompass equipment, ppO2's, END's, solo diving, unique procedures, etc.
4. Most members of the technical community are already aware of the risks associated with deep air diving and it should be possible to have intelligent discussions about topics that may include deep air as a back or deco gas without having to make condescending remarks about the subject.
5. Like Jim Wyatt and others stated, discussions about deep air diving may help promote diving safety.
6. Technical agencies still teach deep air diving in the form of Extended Range courses and in the case of PSAI, both Extended Range and Narcosis Management programs exist.
7. I really enjoy hearing stories about diving history. Every once in a while, in a deep air thread, someone will post something about past explorations, before helium, that is interesting and beneficial to understanding the history of our sport and those who pioneered it.
8. Usually, a thread about deep air includes "air" in the title and no one has to read or participate in such a thread. A person may freely skip it or participate in the discussion.