My pet peeve with dive instruction

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Tell me what you want me to elaborate on.

I made the statement that I don't judge a diver based upon their gear but rather upon their diving. Whether its a student or another diver when I'm out diving for fun. I don't look at someone and say "that guy has a big knife, he must suck" or "that guy doesn't have his octo on a necklace, he's dangerous".

Now, if you'd like to stop being a prick and posting definitions therefore implying that I'm somehow not as intelligent as you and start explaining exactly what your problem with my statement is, I'll be happy to answer your question. Until then I'm just going to assume your only hobby is trolling around internet message boards behaving like a 5-year-old.

Lighten up, Francis... It's not nice to call me a prick. Please stick to the points and leave the personal insults out.

My issue with your statement is your slam on other instructors who consider gear to be a part of diving and feel logic and safety should be considered more than personal choice. "Who cares?" is an attitude I see as being one of the biggest problems in the industry. I care, and you seem to imply that makes me an idiot or a scuba nazi.

I agree with you on the dangling stuff, but the rest, who cares?
Further, your statement refuting a bungied necklace as the best option is spew. There are reasons against, but saying it's not best, because the agencies haven't told us it is, is just spew.
If there was 100%, undesputable evidence that the one and only best place to put a backup is on a necklace, I'm sure it would be a standard for all the agencies. Especially since that's one more piece of gear they could sell you.
Agencies don't sell gear, so I'm not even sure what your meaning is on this last sentence.

I get the impression that you are shooting from the hip and posting from ignorance. That's not a slam, so please don't whine about me being a prick.

Your statements just don't hold water. "I judge them by their diving" is entirely ambiguous. Can you elaborate on what that means for you?
If you really want to see someone plow the reef watch Mike Nelson (Lloyd Bridges) in an old Se Hunt episode. Never even thot about it until I started diving and paying attention to buoyancy control.
I know the gear was a harness , weights , and no BCD but still geez !!!

Not to mention our savior, Jacques Costeau. Checkout how he got through the reef around the blue hole in Belize.:m16:
Lighten up, Francis... It's not nice to call me a prick. Please stick to the points and leave the personal insults out.

I'm not the one who decided to be clever and post a dictionary entry. Save that crap for your 12-year-old buddies who think you're cool.

My issue with your statement is your slam on other instructors who consider gear to be a part of diving and feel logic and safety should be considered more than personal choice. "Who cares?" is an attitude I see as being one of the biggest problems in the industry. I care, and you seem to imply that makes me an idiot or a scuba nazi.

Where did I slam any instructor? I say "who cares" because I see way too much of this going on around this board. Someone looks at a picture, sees someone not doing something the way they do it, and decides that person must be an idiot and horrible diver. Yes, logic and safety should be considered, which is why in every single post I've made regarding the placement of the backup I've emphasized safety.

Further, your statement refuting a bungied necklace as the best option is spew. There are reasons against, but saying it's not best, because the agencies haven't told us it is, is just spew.

Really? And you're basing this upon what? What study? Tell me, show me. I challenge you to show me proof that the bungied necklace is the single best place to put the backup.

Agencies don't sell gear, so I'm not even sure what your meaning is on this last sentence.

That was meant as a joke, sorry if I don't litter my post with smiley faces every three words.

I get the impression that you are shooting from the hip and posting from ignorance. That's not a slam, so lease don't whine about me being a prick.

And I get the feeling you're the one who is ignorant, unless you can show me that proof that proves the bungied necklace is the best solution. Oh, wait, you can't. If you have actually spent any time researching it you would know that there isn't definitive proof either way. Would you like me to post the dictionary entry for "ignorance" for you?

Now, stop whining about me saying you're acting like a prick.

Your statements just don't hold water. "I judge them by their diving" is entirely ambiguous. Can you elaborate on what that means for you?

It means exactly what I said it means. I don't judge them on things like whether or not they have their octo on a necklace or the size of their knife. If you'd like I can keep posting that sentence over and over until you finally learn how to sound out the big words.
The best thing about diving is not having to listen to people scream
I'm not the one who decided to be clever and post a dictionary entry. Save that crap for your 12-year-old buddies who think you're cool.


Shoo! Back to the Pub with your anger and obnoxious nonsense!

[/hijack] (sorry folks)

Shoo! Back to the Pub with your anger and obnoxious nonsense!

[/hijack] (sorry folks)

Oh, so clearly it was me who started the obnoxious nonsense. Again, you're the one posting dictionary entries. You're the one who decided to take it to that level. Personally, I prefer to just say what's on my mind rather than play clever little games like posting dictionary entries, but that's just me.

Now, if you'd like to actually address my post you may, otherwise I'd say its you who is adding nothing. I'm still waiting for that proof that the bungied octo is always better.
Back to the OP, I do find it troubling that OW teaching and specialty videos show divers who clearly are not diving the way OW classes instruct. I am not just referring to the SSI video but all agency videos. These are organizations out there teaching the skills and making sure the student does it correctly. Who is supposed to monitor the quality of the video?
I'm just glad this thread is buried back where the "New Divers and Those Considering Diving" can't see the blatant childish behavior of the instructors that purport to teach them how to survive in an admittedly hostile environment.... oh wait...

I'm not walking around policing the diving community. If I'm in conversation at a picnic table with another diver, it's common to discuss gear configurations. ... ... The point of this post, was dive instructors are pumping divers out with these poor skills. If you can justify why a piece of gear is where it's at, fine, but if it's just there for no reason, you need to think about it some more IMO.

How many students have you "pumped" out. I guarantee that there are instructors that "pump" out students just to get numbers and money. Others, and I believe most, do it for the love and enjoyment of diving.

Justification for the gear placement is,it is probably the most common and it works. I will tell them about as many configurations as I can but until they stop using rental, I will show them the most common and how to use it as safely as I know how. That, right or wrong, is the real world. The next time you go to a resort, don't take your gear with you.:wink: Then when you rent let them know that you want a long hose set up with necklace. See how may strange looks you get. If someone buys their own equipment then I will help them set it up any way they want and offer suggestions based on what they want, not my preferences. So justifaction or realization. Who knows, guess it's a matter of opinion. I do know that in my opinion, it's no ones business what I'm diving or how I'm wearing it. It would be easier for you to just look at me and say that guy definitely has a few o rings missing. That'll justify my not diving with him. I promise it won't hurt my feelings.
I was just wondering what we were talking about.

It is weird, as a new instructor, for me to watch video where the visual contradicts the spirit of what's being taught. I know my agency is guilty of it all the time. I mean, aside from the bad taste they have in wetsuits...

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