My LDS is just ticking me off....

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Starkville, Mississippi
This is the section for this so here goes, this has been bothering me for several years now.

The LDS that I have been trained through, that I have been doing business with for five years is about to become my last choice for where to take my money. My instructors have been great, but I think my issue is really with the owner.
A little background that you all may not want to hear..... I have several children (3). My wife and I owned a farm and financially we were forced to shut down. We decided to return to school and advance our existing degrees and then to try and relocate. This has all happened at the same time that I have pursued my professional diving status. I considered the owner of the LDS to be a friend of ours. I have explained to him over and over that most of what he offers, for trips, and diving activites are way out of my price range. I have bought all of my gear from him and it is top of the line and I payed full price. But he makes no effort to try and offer weekend trips, driving trips, local trips. I have asked repeatedly. I always end up making all of my own arrangements and then when I mention my weekend plans to his other regular customers I end up with a dozen people that want to go.
I suppose there may be other issues but I really feel that I have no value to my LDS unless I have a few thousand dollars to spend. The least expensive trip they run is to the flower gardens, it is still around five hundred dollars. I really don't have time to go anywhere either, like I said I have three small children and a wife. I can't disappear for a week, and sometimes I can't even get the whole weekend. I do know that I am the only instructor candidate that the LDS has had in the past few years, and all of the instructors that have been there aren't working or coming around much anymore.
When my wife and I get our advanced degrees we will be very well paid and in high demand. Then spending a few thousand several times a year for a dive vacation won't be such a big deal. But I just don't know if I would want to spend my money with the same LDS that seemed to not care or value me when I didn't have the extra money to spend.
I tend to be a very loyal person, it is a hard decision for me to decide to change dive shops. I am really not seeing a choice. Why should I place a personal value on my relationship with my LDS when they only view me as a number in a bank account?
Dood, those dive trips through the LDS is for newbies man, c'mon now, you know you can organize your own trips for much less. Just browse around this board and hook up with some locals. We are all one big family afterall.............
. But I just don't know if I would want to spend my money with the same LDS that seemed to not care or value me when I didn't have the extra money to spend. I tend to be a very loyal person:
I don't understand why you need a dive shop for anything more than buying gear. With the Internet you can book dive trips anywhere in the world with competent dive operations there. But enlighten me. I have never dived in the US and have no idea how you plan a dive in Ohio or Nebraska. Hank
See, look at this right here, talk to Hank49 and he will give you the best value for money options in Belize, pack your backs...............
I can appreciate your feelings. I too like to feel like more than a bank account number. Switching to a different Dive Shop is tough. I had real issues with the Shop that we got our certification through. We all want a Shop where they know our name & that isn't asking to much. Look around there is a dive shop out there for you and your family. I found one but it is a ways away for "hanging out". Still enjoy the friendships I have made there. That is important me. Plus they seem to appreciate my business which isn't a lot once we get our gear.

My favorite kind of dive trip is a camp site near a nice cave. No resorts, planes or writting checks to some dive shop. Just give me a good cave dive and then a steak on the grill and a bottle of beer.
There will be a fee added to the cost asked from the LDS on store sponsored trips. Some of that will pay for a DM or DiveCon to have part of there fees covered or maybe some shops want to make a profit on the trips.

I see store sponsored trips as a opportunity to foster diver relationships and bond the group. It's a lot of fun to go with a bunch of friends or make new friends along the way. It's a no brainer that booking your own trips will cost less and if that suits your style then, by all means do it.

Our LDS is starting to do small, local day trips that divers can work on different skills with some leadership and assistance. These can be a lot of fun while keeping the cost to nothing more than the fuel to get to the dive spot and some air fills.
My favorite kind of dive trip is a camp site near a nice cave. No resorts, planes or writting checks to some dive shop. Just give me a good cave dive and then a steak on the grill and a bottle of beer.

I just booked a trip for myself and my girlfriend (one diver, one non-diver) at the same resort that my store was going to and my price (including the hotel,diving, and the airline tickets) was WELL below what the store was charging just for the hotel and the dives for ONE person! I won't go with my dive store again unless it's going to someplace I am completely uncomfortable with...

I agree with the general sentiment... you're qualified to lead dives... but you may need to put some money up front at some point to hold reservations, etc... Usually, you can reserve a block of airline and hotel tickets for a nominal fee up to a point...
The least expensive trip they run is to the flower gardens, it is still around five hundred dollars.
That's interesting. A Flower Gardens trip runs $250 for the weekend. For $500 is he offering to fly you there?
James Goddard:
That's interesting. A Flower Gardens trip runs $250 for the weekend. For $500 is he offering to fly you there?

I assumed the "around $500.00" includes the costs to & from La, tips, and probably nitrox.. 250 is too low. My recollection is weekenk trips come in around $325 plus about $80 for nitrox. The Thur/Fri 2 day trip is around $290.

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