My Jupiter Dive - July 4 and 5

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Rabigh, Saudi Arabia
# of dives
200 - 499
Went out with Jupiter Dive Charters on July 4th and 5th. Water temp both days betweennn 81-83F about 40ft viz and there was a pretty stong current. Not to worry, all dives in Jupiter are drift dives, so you don't have to swim back to the boat. The boat follows the dive flag that the divemaster/guide carries. When you surface, the boat goes to you!

Great dive, saw lots of cool things, turtles, goliath grouper, huge sting rays, and a reef shark (missed taking the picture though).

The sad news is that some divers reported seeing finned sharks. :( What they do is catch the shark then when it is their boat, they cut off all the fins, then toss the shark back into the ocean ALIVE. The shark dies by suffication, loss of blood, shock trauma. Really bad and sad stuff. I really wish I would have gotten a picture of one. I would have sent it to my state and federal congressman/senator. Mind you that I am not an environmentallist wacko or a PETA person.

Oh ok... off soapbox...

Well.. like I said the diving was great. Helpfull dive staff pointing out nice things to look at along the drift. Could have had a rinse tank for gear after the dive. But, hey... that is what the hotel bathtub is for, right? :wink:

Their website is
And... yes, I would go out with them again.

So.. yes, I said pictures.. so I know that is what you really want to see. So I won't babble on any more... So, click the link and enjoy the pics.

Ok...i was good til the part about the sharks...that really ticks me off to hear such things..i love sharks, and just animals in general and to hear such things really ticks me off to no end. Those people that do such things should be shot in the legs or something and thrown in the sea!
I just dove July 5,6 in Palm beach and the 7 in the Keys. This was my first drift dive so Law I understand. I had a great time no fighting with the current just drift and the boat picks you up. On the flip side my dive in keys current was strong if we didn't Navigate it right we would of been hurting like some other divers where trying to fight the current back to the boat.. Drift diveing is the way to go I got to do it again.
*LOVE* Captain Paul! Gotta love diving off the only boat in the water with shark teeth. I've got a dive scheduled with them on Sunday for 9am. :)

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