(Emphasis mine).
So, what you're saying is that "except" for what kind of practical dive skills one should learn from 16 hours of theory, 20 hours of pool sessions and 15 ocean dives, everything supervised and led by a 3* instructor, you're only learning to manage a dive group. Right? Either you guys were real slow learners, or the instructor wasn't very good, or you're underestimating what I believe you learned there.
What I am saying is that
the main goal of the entire course is to learn how to handle and guide a diving group (including assessment, prevention and how to manage an emergency). Of course you learn other skills but I believe it depends on your instructor.
During the 16 hours of Theory (14 hours are mandatory) you learn and revise below concepts:
T1 - Presentation of the Course.
T2 - Review and analysis of physics, anatomy and physiology.
T3 - Equipment configuration (different types of configurations and equipment, redundancy, dive computers etc.)
T4 - Leading a group of divers (planning, equipment check, briefing, structuring the group according to level of certification - experience, recognise when a diver is in stress - panic, how to handle it and possible scenarios etc.)
T5 - Prevention and management of emergencies during a dive and on the surface (what could be the causes, how to prevent an emergency situation and how to handle it).
T6 - Boat management, meteorology and cartography.
T7 - Environmental education and biological observation.
(above 7 lessons of 2 hour each were mandatory however, our instructor added one more as per below):
T8 - Planning a Decompression Dive (in case of an emergency).
During the 20 hours in confined waters which are mandatory:
CW1 - 33 meters apnea swimming (only frog kick, no fins, no weight and no goggles)
CW2 - 100 meters freestyle in less than 110 seconds (no fins, no weight and no goggles)
CW3 - hold 4kg for 60 seconds (legs power only)
CW4 - Expiratory Apnea for 30 seconds (release air on the surface, sink and maintain neutral buoyancy without resurfacing nor sinking).
CW5 - Diving techniques (apnea)
CW6 - Recover 4 objects (performing the correct technique always in apnea)
CW7 - Apnea Techniques
CW8 - Another apnea techniques
CW9 - Donning and doffing diving equipment at the bottom of the pool (with and without mask then swim 25 meters without mask).
CW10 - Altering apnea and OC while diving for 50 meters.
Lastly, we have the 6 ocean dives:
OD1 - Free diving up to a depth of 12 meters (this ain't an actual dive but it is mandatory).
OD2 - Emergency ascent with your buddy with one regulator available for both (from 10 meters).
OD3 - Regular dive up to 30 meters.
OD4 - Regular dive up to 42 meters.
OD5 - Dive Guide (Open Water group up to 18 meters).
OD6 - Dive Guide (Advanced Group up to 42 meters within the NDL).
(above 6 were mandatory however, our instructor added more dives as per below):
OD7 - Rescue of an unconscious diver (from 20 meters with drysuits)
OD8 - Guiding a group using a reel in a low visibility situation.
OD9 - 15 meters apnea dive at 5 meters with equipment on.
OD10 - River Dive (why not).
OD11 - Underwater Navigation keeping a constant depth of 6 meters (compass).
OD12 - Dive outside of the NDL.
OD13 - Wreck Dive.
OD14 - Dive Guide around a wreck.
OD15 - Night Dive.