My Grandson....

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Scuba Instructor
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N.E.TX, piney woods
will be 7 weeks old Monday near midnight. Can't take him out of his tub, in which he kicks and splashes, without his lip squaring up and fussin. He'll be swimming this time next year, no doubt.

Well, to make him forget his "end of pool time" we headed out to the deck and he loved it, as you can see in this photo of the future diver!

Just had to share this one:
You should get him a little reg to use instead of a pacifer.

the little guy. Whats Mom and Dad think of the whole diving thing?
think diving is fantastic, and are looking forward to having the time to learn and enjoy it. As for their son beating them to the depths with his Grandparents, they also think thats wonderful. Both of our kids are water babies and Jasen, our son, was riding on the skis with me @ 4, knee boarder at 7. Jodi, Ryans mom, was swimming at 3 and is a virtual fish today.
I'm still hunting him some little fins :eek:ut:
I saw the perfect tank yesterday at even has a clock in it and stands 6" tall,am,fm,included.:)
That's the cutest little tyke, I'm going out in the garage right now and start making a little submarine he can ride in that you can attach an air tank to and tow with you when you dive.

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