Whoa Lynne, exhilarating isnt it? It's like someone tampering with your dive! Hope you are pumped up and getting all the best out of your experience. Its kind of great when it happens this way, still it makes your brain go on overgear for a while, doesnt it?
Couple of questions Id like to make only because I know your training and I know I can go hard on you

I read your description, and the first word I got stuck on was sometimes. You said that your secondary free flows sometimes if it's upside-down. Now, I realize that this probably is something fairly common with some regs but for me sometimes is too often. I dive in cold water and if either of my regs freeflows, I dont like it, and I have them checked out before I dive again. Maybe I am weird but thats the pre-dive -part for me
Then the post part. You actually already addressed some of this later on the thread but Id like to learn more. I was wondering about the valve shutting too, and then you find out youd missed it being shut. Well, alright, it was your first incident, and you were a bit off rail during the ascent. However, I am surprised to hear this was not covered in your post-dive debrief. So, this goes out as a curious wannabe question, what did you cover in the post-dive discussion re: this incident?
One more curiousness satisfying question:
Doc Intrepid:
just remember that unless you have overhead going, tangible or deco obligation, a free-flowing regulator can still be breathed for quite awhile as you ascend. Its uncomfortable and scary and a PITA, no doubt, but at a rate of 60 feet per minute which (uh, well within my lifetime) was long considered perfectly acceptable means that from 120' you're on the surface in two minutes. A free-flowing reg should allow you to swim upwards for at least two minutes while you're still breathing off it, so it might not (depending on other factors) require that you assume horrendous unnecessary risk.
Ok, I just have to ask
since I am a doubter
but wouldnt a free-flowing second stage push air out way quicker than, say, burst O-ring on reg hose? The latter happened to me, and while I realize my turn pressure at 120f would be slightly different, I can tell that 1700PSI from Al80 at 18feet depth came out in <60 seconds. Fast fast fast. So, I was left with a lingering doubt about these free flows giving me that much time for an escape from real depth. Id certainly try to preserve some if by some freak accident my buddy had abandoned me. What were your numbers by the way Lynne?