Tigerman:Good to hear im not the only one that use the feeling of insecurity of one of my limiting factors.. I dont feel that I can master things as deep at 70 ft tho.. Tend to stay above 25 ft myself while diving solo.
A thought that keep bugging me a bit however is the fact that diving with a buddy, I feel completely confident far deeper (been to 100 feet with a buddy). Im not sure if that is a good thing..
Actually I believe that is perfectly normal. When you are solo you are completely alone and dependent on yourself. So you are limited to your experience, equipment, and you usually accept a lesser degree of risk while soloing. When I solo I limit my depth to 2/3rd of my max CESA depth unless I bring a redundant air source. I will accept a higher level of risk when diving with a buddy. Also I find I will alter my dive profiles based on the experience of my buddy if I am buddy diving.