Good to hear im not the only one that use the feeling of insecurity of one of my limiting factors.. I dont feel that I can master things as deep at 70 ft tho.. Tend to stay above 25 ft myself while diving solo.catherine96821:If you are totally comfortable if your first stage fails at 40 ft, then you are in good shape to solo at 40 ft. If it scares you, you shouldn't be there. I would have no trouble at 40 ft (and you probably wouldn't either) But, you need to feel certain of that. Once I'm at 70 ft, I start to feel insecure about a CESA, and thats how I know how deep to be.
A thought that keep bugging me a bit however is the fact that diving with a buddy, I feel completely confident far deeper (been to 100 feet with a buddy). Im not sure if that is a good thing..