My first efforts

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Currently (Oct 2018) in Curacao
Just got back from my first dive trip with a camera (Canon S45). Loved it! It is so good to have more than a dive log to remember things.

Only problem was the rate I sucked air rushing around trying to get pictures.... Guess I will get through that stage.

Here are a couple of my favorites:



I like the pictures you posted. I am taking my S45 underwater for the first time next week. Did you use the canon housing? What settings did you use? Post more pics. I always enjoy seeing what people have done.
Yes, I used the Canon housing - make sure you use a small silica jel pack to prevent condensation. It fits perfectly down the LH side of the camera. I always set mine up a couple of hours before diving to make sure it had dried out and had no problems at all.

Settings (from Dee - or someone else on the board who deserves the credit if I can remember their name):

Program (p) mode
Iso 100
Flash optional
Macro optional.

I never changed these and used judicious post processing in Photoshop to deal with backscatter and color although backscatter was not a big deal in that vis.

One problem I did have was getting bubbles on the front of the camera port. You should keep an eye on that - they shake off easily.


Grajan once bubbled...
Only problem was the rate I sucked air rushing around trying to get pictures.... Guess I will get through that stage.


I drove an underwater video camera professionally for several years and somewhere in the first season I learned to let the picture come to me, nothing I chased was as good as the one I sussed out in my head and laid in wait for.
It was beginners enthusiasm - particularly when trying to get the best background on my fellow divers. I soon settled down after my wife began to seriously show me up on air consumption....
Graham....very good :thumb:

I really like the composition on that next to last one...the snorkler swimming over the crack.

I should need much help from Photoshop. Deleting backscatter, minor adjustments of brightness and contrast is about all I do. Some fine tuning. When you start playing with the colors, burning in shadows, major cropping, etc....that's not photography, that's graphic arts. IMHO
I'm glad you like them. I took the snorkelling one when I was snorkelling as well - definitely makes you concentrate.... Here is another 'no-tank' one.

I really enjoyed the photography (along with all the other new stuff) as soon as I get all the images on a website I will let you know.

How did Jan's new fins work out?

Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures but a report would be nice, too! :wink:
Janaki loved the whole lot - Libra BC, Fins, Seavision mask. Not a thing we regret buying.

I will write a trip report. Right now I am focussed on keeping my tenuous grip on employment so that I can pay for the trip....

Having our own dive boat was great too:


Wow...beautiful boat! The phrase spoiled divers come to mind! Keep your job first...we'll wait a while on the report!!!

We'll be at Twin Lakes this Saturday if ya'll care to join us.

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