My Cozumel experience

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When I hear the word "trashed", I think of a totally destroyed, barren landscape. Personally, I didn't see any of that. It may be that way at other sites, but the ones we dove I found quite lovely. None were "bad", just not my favorite.

When I hear that word I keep thinking there must be another Cozumel somewhere I've never visited. I don't know how anybody can look at reefs in Coz right now and use words like "trashed" or "extensive damage". Unless they just dive to see gorgonians/sea fans.

It's sort of like calling Paris Hilton fat.
not worth a response

I appreciate your approach and your comments on this board. I think everyone here recognizes that you are trying to run a business. But, I have never gotten the impression that you were trying to BS anyone. I wish you luck and I most certianly plan on scheduling some diving with you as soon as I can get down there.
Did someone resurrect a thread here? With a few different names? Redundant, redundant, redundant....
Misplaced Priority:
I am starting to wonder what your point is here. :shakehead

It's beginning to sound eerily familiar, is it not?
James Goddard:
When I hear that word I keep thinking there must be another Cozumel somewhere I've never visited. It's sort of like calling Paris Hilton fat.

Or intelligent... ;^)
James Goddard:
There is definatly an agenda in this tread but it's not coming from anyone with a business on Coz.

Maybe so, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is.
The dive op was not the problem. As a matter of fact, this was one of the real positives of the trip. We dove with Living Underwater. Jeremy runs a very good operation. We liked him far better than Aldora, who we used on our previous trip and didn't care for. As for the dive sites we visited, I don't have a list of the names in front of me, but we primarily went to the far southern sites. Punta Sur and Columbia are two of the Southern sites I can remember the names of off the top of my head.

I was completely expecting you to name one of the large, multi-boat operators who runs their dives based on a time schedule and takes divers where it is convenient. To hear you were diving places like Punta Sur and Columbia AND diving them with Jeremy is a surprise.

I got back on Saturday from 8 days in Cozumel. I'd been before Wilma and this was my 3rd trip post-Wilma. I usually dive with Jeremy but this trip I had half the days with him and half with Liquid Blue, which is another great dive op. Jeremy is one most relaxed, slow paced and critter finding DM's I've dived with anywhere. Between the two shops I did dives at Columbia Pinnacles, Columbia Deep, Columbia Shallows, Punta Sur (just the wall this time as not everyone was comfortable with the throat and cathedral), Palancar Caves, Horeshoe and Gardens, Santa Rosa, San Francsico, Tunich and a handful of others. I noticed much improvement since February - more sponge and fan buds, lots of juvinille fish and critters, good variety of marine life, etc. And I think the night dives have actually gotten better. To me at least there seemed to be much more going on then in the past.

Pre-hurricane we'd already had a trip planned for Dec, which we do every year, and decided to still go. We had no expectations and went with an open mind. Many dives we were saddened by what we saw, but on these dives there was still something great to see. Other sites were we amazed at how good things still looked. In February we noticed some improvement. Fans and sponges don't grow overnight but there was change happening. From Feb to May I noticed a bigger change for the better.

Everyone looks at things differently and has a different idea of what makes a good dive and a good dive destination. Even post-Wilma I find that Cozumel still has better diving and is a better dive vacation destination then about 95% of the Caribbean. Cozumel reefs are never going to be what they were before this hurricane. As they continue to rejuvinate over time they will come back differently.

It's fine for to say that Cozumel no longer meets your expectations. And if it just didn't do it for you anymore then there's no point going back. But I do feel it's better to be specific about what you saw, and the basis for your impressions rather then just a blanket statement about damage.
Some people have a business to promote, some do not.

I'm pretty sure that most people who have posted, here, do not have a business to promote, including myself. Our opinions simply differ with yours, probably from different dive experiences.
I'm pretty sure that most people who have posted, here, do not have a business to promote, including myself. Our opinions simply differ with yours, probably from different dive experiences.

I can only WISH I had a business on Cozumel to promote! :D

I think the most important thing that we're all trying to say is: Cozumel will NEVER be back to what it was. 2 hurricanes came through and altered the UW landscape, just like the last hurricane did and the next one will. That's just the way nature is--it causes havoc, then repairs itself. So you can either focus on what Cozumel USED to be and lament the damage and say you won't dive there again, or you can focus on how it is NOW and appreciate the new life that has formed as a result of the damage. Or you can wait until the next hurricane blows through and changes everything again to see if you like that better. LOL

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