My Big Hull Went To The Scrap Yard !!!

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Rum Dumb Hippydom California
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1000 - 2499
I retired from my work and left tools and aluminum parts and pieces at our family shop . A big mistake that was and I must have been in a state of serious depression . This was a one of a kind 1/4 inch thick elliptical 15 1/2 inch diameter hull with a 5/8 inch thick plate 1/4 inch captured o ring . It truly was a industrial beast and the aluminum sphere to make the shape came from rocket ship parts . The owner at Norton Sales said 4 of those helium spheres cost 1 million dollars . Sounds like a crock of B. S. and the wife is complaining go eat your diner , will finish rest of the story soon .
I had a 4 by 8 foot plate rolled to form the hull and that is no child's play . I have the nose and o ring plate and a couple of feet of extra hull which is enough to make a truncated , elliptical underwater craft . The adventure will be mine ; good safe and kind Rumdumb

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