dhunteriii, you won't believe how easy it is to find the dive sites. I made my fist Bonaire trip this past Thanksgiving weekend. Thanks to BSDME, my biggest problem was choosing from the bounty of available dive sites.
BSDME doesnt just tell you how to find the dive sites, it also gives you the general layout of the reef. And the most common piece of advice for Bonaire diving is not to leave anything in your truck that youd mourn if it got stolen. I figured that included the dive guide, too, but Ive got the memory of a goldfish. I knew I would benefit from a last-minute review of the books details so I scanned the entire book into a PDF (no, sorry, you have to buy your own copy
). When I load the truck for, say, Angel City, I also put the page for that particular site in the cab. I can even carry that copy to waters edge, then stuff it in my BC pocket just before making entry. And Ive not lost anything.
Digitizing the entire book might seem too extreme but I live on Curacao and plan to dive Bonaire every 2-3 months. Theres nothing stopping you from doing a book reconnaissance and pre-selecting the sites you think youll be most likely to dive, then photocopying those particular pages. If you really want to get extreme, you could always laminate the pages sos you could read em underwater.
Strangely, the book is available on Bonaire cheaper than it is online. But waiting till youve arrived, of course, prevents you doing a book reconnaissance (and daydreaming about the dives to come).