As have I. There seems to be lots of boo-birds out there when it comes Paradise Reef but it is absolutely loaded with life, far more than can be seen on many of the more popular deeper dives. With usualy minimal current on Paradise and being shallow one has lots and lots of time to explore all the nooks and also venture out onto the flat grasses where all kinds of things live that those who aren't interested in exploring what seems to be nothing from afar will never see.
The absolutely most overrated dive in Coz that is popular and I've no idea why is Cedral. For me - it has been and always seems to be a total fly-over with few things of interest. Sure, there are generally more turtles and sharks and for divers who think more and bigger is more better so be it but I find it boring. Santa Rosa is the 2nd on my list I could care less about. I'd take little Paradise Reef any dive over those two. Devils Throat - absolutely no interest. Waste of a dive in my opinion. I dove it via you-tube and saw all I needed to see (which wasn't much of anything) for free. For those who want to be diver # 1,000,000 to fin through the same banged up, barren hole to each his own.
Perhaps your guide should continue the dive out to the Cedral Wall.
Dave Dillehay
Aldora Divers