Though there are other dives that many prefer, Palancar, which has 4 different named portions (Caves, Bricks, Horseshoe and Gardens), is sort of considered the signature Cozumel dive/s. Unless you're only diving a day or two, and the circumstances are strange, you'll no-doubt dive a Palancar site. Palancar Gardens is a great first dive for everyone, imo, including the shop that's never been diving with you before. You roll into 30 feet of water over the sand and then make your way over to the reef. You'll likely dive to 80ish feet max, and as you make your way up throughout the dive, you'll have reef, even at 30ish feet. Due to sunlight penetration, I'm guessing, there's more life in shallower water than in the deep.
As others have said, there aren't any really bad dives especially since it'll all be new to you.
Have a great time!!
As others have said, there aren't any really bad dives especially since it'll all be new to you.
Have a great time!!