Mud Diving???????

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hi i was thinking about mud diving after seeing a post by the one ''hockeyman" i was wondering on your in put to weather it would be a good idea or not. The only reason i ask is because i just bought a new peice of land and on it is a eight foot deep mud pit.I have seen some people do it on the internet seems pretty fun

thanks if you can help mike
Mike, what do you mean by mud pit? Is this water that is brown? Or is this actual mud? I've been mud diving, which to me means diving in zero or negative visibility. It's not really that fun. You are in the water and breathing through a reg, but you're not seeing anything. The mud pits I've been in have been deeper than 8 ft. I don't think an 8 foot deep pit would be that great. And this is coming from someone who will dive in almost anything... :D
My dive buddies and I dive alot of 'muddy' waters and near and zero vis....a challange some just don't understand.

"Great Visibility is Over Rated"
some of us do understand.... :wink:
Just get in the habbit of washing out your gear, especially your regs. Environmentally sealed regs would also be a genious idea.
thanks for the advise and just to answer the first question it is a acualt mud pit filled with mud
why? whats down there of interest in the mud? I dont mind, in fact i like blackwater diving and zero vis as long as there is some kind of payoff, like arfticafts. otherwise it just sounds like good way to foul up your gear or die.
You're not from Texas are you?

You dive what you can.
1 to 2' vis is good where i dive. ppl have a different definition of what bad vis is. zero vis is when you hold your guages to your mask and shine your light on them and you still can't see ****. That can get kind of wierd especially if you in a decent current, then your totally screwed if your pick is out of the mud and your just spining around in space. you cant even watch your bubbles.

but when ur done and you come up with some nice artifacts.... it's better than sex. I f you come up skunked however, and you buddy has some $2,000 piece of china in his hand..well that just plain sux0rs.

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