silent running
Hi scubashooter, we are all in basic agreement and your point about being able to see things like mating behavior of critters due to their shear numbers in Lembeh is well taken. And you are especially right that comparisons are problematic. I was just trying to point out that there was plenty of overlap and that there were other good points that might justify the added expense. As for other parts of Indo, like Raja Empats, all of the people I talked to said that there was very noticable scarcity of larger fish. I'm glad to hear that you saw some. You are the only person I have heard tell of any sharks, much less Great Hammers. This is very good news and makes me think that it is at least possible to have a well rounded dive experience in Irian Jaya. And since I dive with a CCR I can go deep and hang around looking for whatever big stuff there is. I almost went for a vist to Irian Divers a while back, but I prefer diving with other rebreather divers and I couldn't find anyone to go with. By the way, which place do you think has the best critter diving these days?-Andy