Most Pointless and Ridiculous Thread Ever on ScubaBoard!

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What are you refering to?... Hopefully not calling me a drug user?
What are you refering to?... Hopefully not calling me a drug user?

No! :hugs: Just hinting that beer should be on par with your dislike for pills . . .

. . . sorry, I've seen too many youngsters get into alchohol and screw themselves up way too early.
I can under stand your concern, but as my own mother passed away for mixing xanax and whiskey I have kinda try to avoid anything related in that way...but anyway moving on...I am thinking about FL keys coumminty college, or Embray Riddle
I will admit mabey 1 or 2wice a year I may drink but name a teen that has not expermented..or what ever it is to be called...but I dont get drunk off my ass...the only true addiction I have and Its hard to quit is Cigarettes... I wish I never picked one up...
I am thinking about FL keys coumminty college, or Embray Riddle

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. :hugs:

Nice thing about community college is (1) easier to start with a good GPA, (2) usually more flexible, and (3) gives time and resources to decide which way you want to go.

I'm glad you plan on going!
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Yup... It kinda figures that I am seeking a degree in diving ultamately to teach Technical, Cave, Wreck diving....
I will admit mabey 1 or 2wice a year I may drink but name a teen that has not expermented..or what ever it is to be called...but I dont get drunk off my ass...the only true addiction I have and Its hard to quit is Cigarettes... I wish I never picked one up...

:yuck: Been there. College finances put me over the "time to quit" edge. The really sorry part is -- I haven't smoked in over 25 years, yet my doctor could tell I smoked from deposits in my major arteries. That shocked the H*** out of me. :shakehead:
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I dont want to even think of what it does to a divers sac rate...
Technically I would be getting up for "work" in 1hr and 17
I dont want to even think of what it does to a divers sac rate...

'sTruth!!! :rofl3:

Have a great day -- I have to get ready for work . . . :yuck:

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