Most Pointless and Ridiculous Thread Ever on ScubaBoard!

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Don't know about Lunesta, but the way you're burning your candle . . . :shakehead:

Or are you a bored shift worker? I wish we had Internet all those many nights of duty.
Nope jax just a 16 year old teen...I work at a dog grooming salaon...
I'm sorry, that does not compute . . . teenager up early . . . No, you haven't gone to bed yet, right? :rofl3:
Its only 6:00am...but I don't care, its 5' O Clock Some where... :beer:
Have not slept since 2pm yesterday...
Jax...I am out of school for good..I got my GED, and college is in about a year or so I am just chillin out for now......
Its only 6:00am...but I don't care, its 5' O Clock Some where... :beer:

:shakehead: Put that on par with the pills, sweetie.
A year of work is a good thing. Made me look around and say, "hey, I'm smarter than these yahoos I'm working for . . . "

Where are you going to college?

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