Most Pointless and Ridiculous Thread Ever on ScubaBoard!

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Hey guys, this is Atomic's girlfriend, just wanted to say hey (btw I am a diver too, just got certified last week thanks to my baby!) I hope he is behaving, I love him so much <3 well take care guys. p.s. he will be back on, he just went to the bathroom.

Hi, Meg!!! :happywave:

Congratulations to you both . . . I wish you the very best. :hugs:

How about you join ScubaBoard? :hm: :idea: You could be Atomic Meg!

the antidote :confused: ... Actully its the 3rd... Tanked2.0 I am going to be a father................................
.... Boy o boy jax is going to have a fit when she hears this....

No, sweetheart! :hugs: I truely wish you all the best. I won't lie; I would have preferred to hear that you guys would wait and explore life and grow together, but God's Will be done!

BTW - I will remember your engagement always . . . My grandbaby girl was born this morning! :hugs: :grouphug:

I turn 17 in march, I have a GED, and a job, and so does my fiance (oh yea I asked her hand in marrige today as well) we are going to college in about just less then a year together...

?!? When in March? Mine is, too! Crap, I have your engagement day and your birthday down, now!! :rofl3: :rofl3:

btw my fiance says meow!... I will be back on in a few hrs, I am going to go cuddle with my fiance, and watch a movie... and if jax gets to this thread before I do then yes jax you missed alot, alot happened last night... Look back 5 or 6 pages and start from there to catch up...

Again, congratulations and best wishes to you both. May your life together be full of love, laughter, and excitement!
Good Morning to all, and to all a good night... I am finally going to bed...will be back on later... How is everyone doing?......................
Aww Thanks Jax, meg's, and my life is just getting (offically) started... As well as this thread...March 15 to be exact... (yes i know...the ides of march), Meg is a bit shy of SB, but I am sure with some convincing she will join... How you doing, sleep well?
Quick one because I HAVE to get ready for work . . . . .

Your birthday is two days after mine!!! :rofl3: We can celebrate with SB!!

Meg, these are NICE people here . . . Join up and chat with us in 'tomic's thread. You will like it!
Quick one because I HAVE to get ready for work . . . . . Your birthday is two days after mine!!! :rofl3: We can celebrate with SB!!
Sure thing Jax :rofl3: alright, jump back in when you get a chance to sometime today...
Meg, these are NICE people here . . . Join up and chat with us in 'tomic's thread. You will like it!
Everyone loves this thread, over 5k views, and over 1k posts its becomeing basically its own little world...just don't jump into any Spare Air threads :)sharkattack:), and you'll be fine... :rofl3:
'tomic, congrats and I wish you two the best!
Thanks lewisevans... How you been latley?
Pretty decent, just working and counting down the days 'til I get off the boat.
Get off the boat?... You in the Navy, out at sea?

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