Hi Bouyant1,
On your last point, you can only change WB setting in one of the pmodes or scenic modes (if the a80 has them, can't remember). You realy should forget that the camera has an auto mode you never use it underwater. The P-mode is like auto but gives you the ability to turn flash on/off, exposure +/- and wb settings. If you are taking macro style shots, i.e. full frame, the cameras wb settings are pretty much overridden by the flash. If you are doing reef scenics then adjust the white ballance, as has already been described, and leave the flash off.
Good luck, don't be too disapointed if your results aren't what you expected. It takes lots of practice. Stick to the basics, get close use a flash and make sure you have proper focus lock.
On your last point, you can only change WB setting in one of the pmodes or scenic modes (if the a80 has them, can't remember). You realy should forget that the camera has an auto mode you never use it underwater. The P-mode is like auto but gives you the ability to turn flash on/off, exposure +/- and wb settings. If you are taking macro style shots, i.e. full frame, the cameras wb settings are pretty much overridden by the flash. If you are doing reef scenics then adjust the white ballance, as has already been described, and leave the flash off.
Good luck, don't be too disapointed if your results aren't what you expected. It takes lots of practice. Stick to the basics, get close use a flash and make sure you have proper focus lock.