Question More expense !!!

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Minion Fish

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200 - 499
Hi, I have just returned from a great few days on Koh Lanta and was diving at Koh Ha (5) on the last day before it shut to give the coral a break. I recently bought new batteries and a charger for my Sealife DC1400 camera as the old ones died after not being used for 4 years !!!!

I took some good shots on the first dive, but on reaching the bottom on the second dive I noticed condensation was obscurring the screen, which is not very big.

Today on getting home I see the screen is ****ed so, long story short, I will by a better one.

Not a Canon or a mega expensive tool, just an adequate one with video, stills, and a decent size screen.

Comments please on my future expense. (Don't tell the wife :) )
I went to the sport diver case for the IPhone but for me I’m a diver that takes pictures not a photographer that dives.

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