Monterey diving Labor Day weekend?

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I believe MacAbee and Lover's 1 are both considered novice dive sites. Those are the ones I feel the most comfortable bringing people I haven't dived with before. Not too deep, easy entry and exit.

+1 on Lover's 1. Is that where we went last? Have yet to dive MacAbee.
Yes Norbert, Lover's 1, and we were diving blind too, visibility was horrible, I was afraid I was going to swim right into a rock and was starting to get really spooked by the blackness of it. Close to being terrified, really.
NORBS007, if you're still game for diving this weekend, and want to dive lover's another chance, I'd be happy to give it a shot. I'm fine with breakwater, too, but seeing a new place would be fun as well.

I'm game for pretty much anywhere that I'm not out of my league in! Just got a new camera, too, that I wanna try out! :)
Zero, here's an update. After I saw the thread and posted I realized my tanks and regs where past due on inspection. Got them to my LDS asap but they cannot promise if my regs will be ready this weekend; will surely try they said. If I get it Friday I'm available Saturday or Monday, I'll update you Friday night. If it's a go, we can hit MacAbee and Lover's 1.
Sounds good! I'll check in Friday night and see what's up. Looking forward to getting back down there and checking out some new spots!
I'm not sure my post went through so I'll try again. I can dive with you Monday, Sept. 6. I've been diving for 35 years and dive nearly weekly. I have a lot of experience, but still enjoy the easy entry spots. I would like to go to Breakwater and dive the mertridium fields. If you want to go, let me know. My e-mail is I also belong to a dive club, the Flipper Dippers. Most members are on an ab dive this week-end. I video my dives and post them on YouTube. My channel is timothytech1.
i'm very interested in diving this weekend sunday and monday i am off 22 logged dives with navigation and limited viz speacialties. if i can contact you or you can contact me please do so
I actually dove Breakwater last weekend and vis was bad but hey, at least I was blowing bubbles. First since June due to surgery. I will be back this Saturday the 11th for the DUI drysuit demo. If any one wants to catch me there let me know.

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