Michael Guerrero
You are writing the probability numeric value (a fraction where 1 = certain) as a percentage (where 100 = certainty), i.e. 100 times smaller than it should be. Really the expectation is one bend in 50 dives to one bend in 25 dives. I do not think either is something I want to be experiencing or should be termed very, very safe.
Factors other than the profile that differ bettween these test dives (which had to be aggressive to give useful bend rates in a practical number of dives) and the dives people generally do dive mean that we don't get bent as often as expected by these results.
Yep, all true and my mistake on looking at the chart.
For anyone who wants to see this presentation it is David Doolette's presentation at Rebreather Forum 3.0 called Decompression Methods.
Simon Mitchell also gives a presentation in 2015 called Decompression Controversies that you can watch on Youtube.
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