Thems alot of fancy words man...
1. IP increases as tank pressure drops on all balanced Scubapros. The Mk2 decreases with drop in tank pressure.
2. You tune all Scubapro seconds at 500psi because that is where IP is highest. Obviously on Mk2 this isnt the case but I've never seen a difference provided the Mk2 was within spec.
3. Everything could be better from an engineering and technical standpoint. How much do you want to pay for a first stage. Scubapro doesnt market or tell us to market IP inversion as some kind of feature to sell regs. They educate us as techs so that we know whats happening with a reg and can ensure that it's within spec.
Wow, are you really a SP tech? If so, it might be time to re-take that rigorous one day seminar.
1. IP does not increase as tank pressure drops on ANY balanced scubapro 1st stage other than the MK11/17. Here is a list of SP balanced 1st stages in which IP does not increase throughout the supply range: MK5, MK7, MK10, MK14, MK15, MK20, MK21, MK25. I might have forgotten a few.
2. There are two whoppers in this one; first, its only the MK11/17 where you need to tune the 2nd at low tank pressure. All others should be tuned at high tank pressure, although with a balanced 1st and 2nd it doesn't make too much difference. Second, with the MK2 it's far more important to tune the 2nd stage at full tank pressure, because the MK2 has a much larger IP swing than any other SP 1st stage, and it's usually paired with an unbalanced 2nd stage. Saying that "you've never seen a difference" in the MK2 between high and low IP is pretty scary, especially for such an educated tech.
3. This whole thread went sideways because Scubabros claimed precisely that SP does market the IP inversion as a deliberate performance enhancement, which it absolutely is not. Several people debunked his claim, apparently you are doing so as well.
To many of us DIYers, when someone comes on this forum and announces that he is a certified tech, then proceeds to make clearly false statements that demonstrate a basic lack of understanding about regulators, it's a great affirmation of why we do it ourselves. Thank you for that!