mixed emotions about a solo dive

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Reaction score
Winchester, Virginia, United States
# of dives
100 - 199
I did a solo today that, looking back, my 20/20 tells me I may have been too cautious. I was kicking out to the buoy for the Triangle Wrecks in OBX, Noth Carolina, when I had some reservations. As I was swimming out, I looked back at shore and it seemed like I was further than I should have been, tho I had not reached the buoy. I then got concerned with the strength of the current, even tho it was not strong at all on the surface. Then I began wondering where on the site the buoy was rigged, if it was the furthest point out or the closet point in. At that point I was feeling a little unsure of myself, so I decided to go ahead an go down and just putz around. I never made it to the wrecks. I just swam over empty sand. The one nice thing was I had a small group of juvenile sargeant majors swim beside my mask and play in my bubbles. I came back with with 1500 psi.

Looking back, I think my confidence was shaken for some reason. I got psyched out somehow. The conditions were perfect. The longshore current was non-existent, there were no dorsal fins circling me, and my gear was fine. I can take this as a learning experience as my experience is limited. I now know the proper "self-talk" that I should have done today to dive my objective, and I will use this in the future if necessary.

I think I did the right thing, I stopped where I became uncomfortable, before I may have panicked. I analyzed and evaluated when I was done. I made it back safe. I just wished I could have thought clearer at the time. Have any of you had this kind of moment when you were starting to solo?
When in doubt, call the dive. Yes, you may have been able to had a nice dive, but then it could have been much worse. Never kick yourself for being cautious. Next time, if you're feeling good, you may want to go a little farther. OTOH, you may not. As long as you come back safely, the dive was a success.
Hey man you did the right thing, I mean you made it back right? Give yourself some credit. There is nothing wrong with that "fear of the unknown" feeling, sometimes it sets you straight. Hope you enjoyed the dive
I never recommend solo diving to any diver....it is something as you have to choose on your own...as it sounds like you have done. I think you did what was best for your feelings on your first solo dive...it is a different feeling all together than diving with a buddy or group. Congrats on taking charge of your dive. Baby steps I always say. :wink:
You did good emcbride81. Shoot .. You have to go with your gut instinct.

That is ... Unless of Course ... you bring along a pocket of Mystic Bones to consult during the dive. I try to always do the Bone Cerimony before diving a new site. That way I know before I even get into the water what I'm up against. :wink:
Very few things are certain in life, but calling a dive is always a safer option. Nice work- I think using the opposable thumb is one of the hardest skills to master. In fact, it is the only thing that seperates us from the other animals.

Next time, when you have to call a dive like this, just re-write the dive plan and no one will be the wiser. :wink: As far as anyone else knows, you planned to study the sand and play with the fishies, and the buoy was just a navigational aid to help you get to nowhere.
You were absolutely correct in my opinion to call your dive/ammend your original plan if you felt uncomfortable for ANY reason.
I've done about 14 solo dives now and just yesterday, I did dive number one
with an LDS class nearby and in the water, even though we had no underwater contact.

After that class left, I had a moment or two of trepidation about going back in alone even though I often dive this particular site, had just been there an hour before and knew there were no surprises awaiting on the bottom (entanglement hazards, etc.)

Being alone out there is being alone. Just that fact can give me pause, everytime.
After assessing what I just said above, I went back in and had a wonderful second dive.

If I still felt uncomfortable and couldn't even define why (after my contingincey planning,analysis) I would call the dive for myself. If you don't feel right, it's not worth it.

You demonstrated mature caution, the ability to listen to your gut and made a different but fun and safe dive.

You may feel the same way again sometime even after many solo dives so listen to your instincts and change the plan or call it if it doesn't feel right for any reason.

I called a 2nd dive at this same site once just because the current along the beach was heavier than I'd ever seen it at this usually non current intensive site. My knowledge and common sense knew that it would be ok, but I called it anyway and didn't regret it (much) :)

Since then, I've had more opportunity and experience to evaluate that kind of current at this site and now deal with it fine.
Proceed cautiously, poo poo any macho b.s. you may hear from others and only go if after running through all of your contingincey scenario planning, you feel like you'll be as safe as you can possibly make it.
You got freaked out and scared on the surface when conditions were perfect and you were heading to a familiar dive site. You lost confidence and began to doubt yourself on what sounds like a simple, solo dive. Are you really sure that you will perform well when you get into a truely challenging situation on one of your solo dives?

Your profile says you have less than 50 dives, if so, my personal opinion is that you should probably not be solo diving, yet.

I think it is good that you bailed and didn't push past your personal comfort level, but solo diving in the ocean with no surface support can easily put you into all kinds of challenging situations that may be far past your personal comfort level.
IMHO it is never a bad idea to call a solo dive. If it doesn't feel right it probably isn't.

Last dive (or non dive) threw the anchor over, started gearing up and about half way just called it. - didn't feel right. As I was putting my gear away the anchor pulled away from the bottom. Now the plan was to go down and check the anchor as I knew it was a marginal set - I was trying to hook to the top of a pinnacle - but I don't think I would have made it down before it pulled away. Would have been a real challenge to get back on the drifting boat before it drifted onto the rocks!

If it doesn't feel right, I call it, no second thoughts - I trust my intuition.

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