I usually fill myself, as my club has a nitrox mixing system, so my procedure is:
1. Fill tanks, monitoring that the mixer shows the correct mix
2. Analyze tank with external analyzer, immediately mark tank with mix, MOD, date and initials. I use a black felt tip pen and ordinary painter's tape on the shoulder of the tank.
3. If filling 300 bar tanks: wait until the tank has cooled off, top up with EAN21 (AKA air), leave for mixing/diffusion, re-analyze, then immediately mark the tank with mix, MOD, date, initials and pressure.
4. Wrap one turn of yellow-and-green electrical tape around the valve opening to indicate nitrox (if I fill air, I use ordinary painter's tape). I don't see any point in more different color-codings than air or nitrox since I don't do staged accelerated deco and is only certified up to 40%.
5. On the site, I use my personal analyzer to verify the tank contents. If the mix is less than 1% unit off what I've marked on the tank, I attach the reg.
If I get my fill at an LDS, I of course drop step 1.
If I top up a tank with another mix than was in it (including air), I do a quick calculation before filling about what mix to expect. I have a small Excel sheet I've made for that purpose, and I've got it on my Android phone.
This procedure may seem slightly paranoid, but the two analyses with different analyzers secures against faulty analyzers, errors made during marking the tanks and other, less probable problems. And I won't dive a tank that I haven't analyzed personally at least once.