Missing Diver off Daytona

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Another dive fatality that probably could have been prevented.

Many folks with onset of any illness start out in denial. As a former police officer I have seen this many times. I have watched men who were having heart attacks...onset..tell their wives it is heartburn, Why are you embarassing me? Why did you call rescue? We all need to be supportive of our dive peers and tell them, and insist to them. If you don't feel right don't dive today. This guy might have passed but it should have been on deck where the skipper and crew had a shot at giving him some support and calling for rescue.

I extend my sympathy to his family and friends over their loss. As divers...we are our brothers keepers. Let's be safe out there.
[I would have gone back with my buddy because you can't stop someone from diving without a buddy if you are not there to stop them].

I mean this with complete respect.

You should not feel you have too stop them they should be educated to the point they know better. If they know it is OK to call a dive then all is going to be good but if they do not feel they can call a dive without back stabbing and all the other nonsense then we as people try to do anything to make it happen. And sometimes we get hurt.

I was on a dive just the other day we where at 140+ and I could have sworen i heard a leak ( my BCD has self inflated before) and I laughed as one person I dive with all the time and the other a new deepish diver. I thought do I call the dive or. I took my reg out and showed a my teeth (purley whites of course) and grinned and then gave the lets leave sign ( i have several of those). When we arrived at the surface all was good I did hear air flow just not at the BCD but the newbie was pissed at the fact that I "ruined his deep dive" Too bad for him I felt it better to ruin his dive then my daughters lives. I know I had trouble.

Abort is up to you no one else. You know how you feel and that is all that matters.

wolf eel:
I mean this with complete respect.

You should not feel you have too stop them they should be educated to the point they know better. If they know it is OK to call a dive then all is going to be good but if they do not feel they can call a dive without back stabbing and all the other nonsense then we as people try to do anything to make it happen. And sometimes we get hurt.

I was on a dive just the other day we where at 140+ and I could have sworen i heard a leak ( my BCD has self inflated before) and I laughed as one person I dive with all the time and the other a new deepish diver. I thought do I call the dive or. I took my reg out and showed a my teeth (purley whites of course) and grinned and then gave the lets leave sign ( i have several of those). When we arrived at the surface all was good I did hear air flow just not at the BCD but the newbie was pissed at the fact that I "ruined his deep dive" Too bad for him I felt it better to ruin his dive then my daughters lives. I know I had trouble.

Abort is up to you no one else. You know how you feel and that is all that matters.

Thats true. I just mean that sometimes people don't always heed thier bodies warnings or may be in a state that they don't realize how bad they are . I don't blame you one bit for calling the deep dive. THe comment the newbie made is what I am talking about. During REscue diver training I was taught the pull of peer pressure can be really strong and sometimes you need someone on your side.

[ During REscue diver training I was taught the pull of peer pressure can be really strong and sometimes you need someone on your side.]

That is the point we should allways have somebody on our side but people seem to think they know best and that is why others question themselves instead of going with the flow.

As for feeling wrong about the call never I have had many near missess and I know better.

The best part was it was my inflate valve on the suit. So it could have been bad it was slightly stuck open because it has been in use for about six years and has not been treated the best.

Safe and happy dives P.A.D.I does not suck any more or less then everybody else except commercial dive trainers who know what they are doing.


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