Unknown Missing Diver - Destin, FL

This Thread Prefix is for incidents when the cause is not known.

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New Orleans, LA
# of dives
25 - 49

A 31-year-old diver went missing 12 miles offshore and 17 miles southwest of Destin Pass on Sept. 22. Authorities and volunteers are coordinating search efforts for Jeremy Carmical, last seen around 1 p.m. Sunday.

The United Cajun Navy is coordinating civilian volunteers alongside professionals from the coast guard, border patrol, and local law enforcement. There have been local reports that a weight belt was located in the area that matches the one worn by the diver.

I have been following this since yesterday but did not see anything posted yet. Apparently the diver did not return to the boat yesterday (Sunday) afternoon. Search was conducted yesterday evening and resumed at day break this morning. Apparently a weight belt was found by divers, but no other sign as of about 1pm Monday.

Hoping for a good outcome.

Edit* Looks like I posted at the same time as someone else. Mods feel free to delete or merge as you see fit.

I imagine details will come out through a more official outlet, but discussion in r/scuba said the diver surfaced with his group, felt ill, and reentered the water alone, assumedly to attempt in-water recompression. He didn't resurface.
is there no chamber available in that area? seems unnecessary to choose IWR when it doesn't seem that remote
is there no chamber available in that area? seems unnecessary to choose IWR when it doesn't seem that remote

Chamber is in Mobile, AL, 100 miles west. It isn't a quick trip but also not a death sentence.

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