I'm simply going to reiterate this comment above. Gdaaym8z paints a very realistic scenario of how the dives are usually done there. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the lost diver as well as the crew of the dive boat and all those aboard. This is a horrific event. Our local dive family has lost a fellow member and that saddens me.I first want to say that everyone involved in this is in my thoughts and I hope the MCSO guys are able to make a quick and safe recovery.
I have heard that the group on the boat was Coast Guard Auxiliary, not sure if they were just doing recreational dives or training. IF what the news is reporting is correct then it was just recreational. I won't make any further speculation.
I dive the old Waddell Dam quite a bit and can at least give a little insight to that. First of all, it’s an old dam that is under water. When the new dam was built they cut a pretty large breach into to old dam (about 220 feet across) this is usually where a dive boat will tie into the dam at one side of the breach or the other. The top of the dam is at about 50-60 feet this time of year, depending on the lake level.
I’m not sure what current conditions are but three weeks ago there was very little visibility, from zero to 10 feet depending on depth and how close you got to the end of the dam where it meets “land” From what I’ve been hearing the visibility is still bad. I’m headed out there today and will post the conditions this afternoon.
Once again, depending on the current lake level the top of the dam is between 50-60 feet and it can go to below 200 feet at the bottom If this is where they are searching for the missing diver, the conditions at the bottom are downright scary. There are huge blocks of concrete and rebar and it's a jumbled up mess. I have some friends who did a tech dive here to try and recover some lost gear and they said that when they got down into the rebar that they thumbed the dive, it was just to dangerous.
The link below is about the breaching of the dam and there's some pretty good photos.
The breaching of the Old Waddell Dam
I have a tremendous amount of dives on this structure in the past year and as of the past few weeks the visibility has easily dropped to around 0-10ft with it decreasing as you swim west across the top of the dam which is around 60ft at this point. The dam is a very challenging dive when the viz is good, when it's bad it's almost impossible to dive as it's almost like diving in a blackout mask. I dive with a few different high powered can lights and at times they were barely enough for me to avoid running into obstructions. If you go to the north side you can visit the bottom at around 120ft, if you go to the south side it drops off to around 200ft into the river bed which is covered in trees and debris from the breaching of the dam and years of trash floating downstream.
To rebutt the fisherman's comment in the news feed, in all my dives not once have I ever even seen fishing line along the dam for divers to get tangled in. This structure is massive, we're talking over 1000ft long and 170ft tall at it's deepest point. Fishermen rarely fish in this area due to depth. When the lake is full in the winter the depth south of the old dam is well over 225ft deep.
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