Might need a bit of help

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Des Moines, Iowa
# of dives
500 - 999
I am posting this message here b/c I think lots folks read this forum. If it needs to be moved, it's not a problem.

My buddy and I dove Haigh Quarry this past weekend. On our last dive of the day on Sunday, we did a surface swim to the east side and upon arrival, my buddy discovered the loss of his mask...dive over :( .

On the way home, Haigh called and told us someone found his mask and turned it in at the checkin desk..:D

Well, we live in Des Moines, Iowa... some 250 miles away, and though he offered to pay whatever the cost of shipping might be, the folks at Haigh were hesitant to ship it back to him. We're still working on that angle, but I thought if there was someone on the board who lived close, that person could retrieve the mask from Haigh and in the spirit of helpfulness would get it shipped to him. My buddy would be more than willing to pay all costs of shipping and add a bit for the person's trouble.

Anyone out there able to help a brother out???

Good luck! I am sure you will find someone to help you out but, if by chance you don't get any interest here you might try the area forum. Local divers might read that one before this one..

Mid-West Muck Divers
I have a dive buddy who left his BC on a picnic table at Haigh. He informed management of the situation and they later confirmed they found his BC. He also tried to have it shipped and Haigh refused. He was more than willing to pay for the shipping and they still refused! He had to drive back up to Haigh Quarry on his day off to retrieve his BC. He spent about 8 hours driving that day just so he could get his BC. I don't understand their policy and personally find this to be disrespectful, rude and inconsiderate.
K Ellis, Haigh Quarry is located in Kankakee, IL Chicagoland area. It's a fine quarry to dive I just don't make it up there too often. I would dive there again if I was up that way, I dove there as a back up dive site after being blown off of Lake Michigan due to high wind two years ago. I just don't understand what the hassle is all about when attempting to get your gear back. If you lost something and reported it and described it. My buddy had his name on the BC (not initials) and arranged for it to be shipped back to Missouri. They refused making him drive 8 hours round trip to retrieve his BC. Needless to say their policy lost them a customer. As my buddy now refuses to dive there ever again. I can not say that I blame him. I firmly believe they need to revise their policy and take a hard look at their quality of customer satisfaction and customer service.
An update: My buddy did get his mask returned to him by the Haigh folks and we are thankful to them for their cooperation. At some level, I can understand, given the number of divers who cycle through this place and the amount of equipment that must be lost and found, why they might be reluctant to get into the business of shipping stuff back to their customers. On the other hand, when out of state people go well out of their way to patronize the business, perhaps more consideration to shipping could be given, especially when the affected divers are willing to pay the shipping costs. Just a thought..

I was just reading from their web page and it looks like I'm going to take a long weekend and hit this spot as well as Bonne Terre Mine
and Mermet Springs. That would be well worth the drive from were I'm at :eyebrow:
I enjoy Haigh and really only get up there maybe once a year. Tina does a great job with the quarry, but I wonder about this policy of shipping equipment back. I guess I can see that if she puts it in the mail and it gets lost it becomes a huge issue. On the other hand, those of us who have to drive 8+ hours to get there would find this policy ridiculous. Is it possible that she is thinking that if you have to come back to get equipment you will spend more money in entry fees and make another dive? I can't see that, I think it has to do with the concern of losing items in the mail and/or not wanting to hassle with it.

Glad you got your items back.

I really enjoy diving Haigh and will go there to dive again regardless of the lost equipment issue my buddy and I experienced. Given the number of divers who cycle through there in the course of a weekend, I can only imagine how much "lost and found" is generated and staff would spend a good deal of time, effort, and expense sending stuff back to the owners, regardless of any individuals promise to pay the cose of such a return. While I might like to see them make more of an effort to return equipment to folks who live eight plus hours away, I sincerely doubt this has anything to do with an effort to have divers come back and spend more money. In any event, whatever the policy is or is not, Tina was kind enough to send his mask back as I reported earlier and my buddy sent her a gift card in appreciation. She runs a first rate operation, truly an interesting and entertaining dive location. If you can get there, you will most certainly not be disappointed.

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