Bert,My wife is 69 years old, has been diving for 5 years, and was not allowed to take the drysuit class because she answered "yes" to the PADI questionaire about prescription medicines (hypertension). She was required to present a doctors certificate saying she was qualified to dive. She took the local medical center's "Dive Physical" exam. It took about 15 minutes. Other than a whole lot of questions very similar to the PADI questionaire, the only "examinations" that took place was for blood pressure and listening to her heart. She's now $90.00 poorer but was able to take the drysuit class.
Although it was frustrating, I am glad your wife got to take the drysuit class.
I hope that my new doctor chooses to do a bit more than ask questions, listen to my heart, and check my blood pressure. That said, I am trying to determine what it generally makes sense to ask for (or not).