I may or may not be sticking my opinion where it is not needed. Sorry. (Just started diving.) I have been on a Medtronic Minmed pump since 7 August 1998. I just found out in May that I could get a signature from my MD ( We have had a relationship for 31 years.) and get PADI certified. Here I go!
I researched a half a dozen available products that could perform the task of sealing the pump and tubing and finally came up with this:
Amazon.com: Aquapac Waterproof Insulin Pump / Radio Mic Case 158: Electronics
Keep in mind, this is what worked for me. I do not work for them, do not advocate it I only am reporting to you what worked really well and in this case, it worked flawlessly for my situation.
I placed a (back up) pump in the pac and was able to keep the system attached during my confined diving and all my open water training in July/August. The pack comes with a hook to align the pump tubing and the plastic flaps have a thin foam layer that seals around the tubing when you engage the pac latches. The pump remained fully functional with access to the buttons through the plastic, albeit next to impossible to get to underneath my wetsuit. The basal rate was left unchanged and no bolusing occurred, although I could have if really needed too.
I was only at 57 feet at my deepest, for about 22 minutes and then at 38 feet for 27 minutes. The pump remained as dry as before it was placed in the pac and did not appear to suffer any ill effects. (I left it in place and running for another 24 hours before switching back to my primary.) Considering that the greatest changes on me are in that 1st atmosphere, I am planning to go from 80-100 feet on 18 August off the coast of FL. I will write a follow up then.
Interestingly enough, a service rep and two engineers at MiniMed would not confirm/deny ANY numbers for depth and pressure. Their last report to me before I gave up was "We cannot recommend recreational diving at ANY depth." I have made a (informed) decision to continue to try it. If it fails, then what that will mean is no pump for diving and surfacing every hour to hour and a half to bolus.
But then I'm brand new at this. I burn through a tank faster than I burned through my checking account to get dive equipment and get to this point.