metal detecting?

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Rick L

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merrimac mass. USA
# of dives
Is there anyone that wants to underwater metal detect?
I have a JW fisher 8x and want to find someone else to detect with!!
Rick L
Find tons of metal mostly junk hehe.
I haven't used it to much but allways find some good stuff!
Like lots of change (some pretty old coins too) silver chains rings
I drilled tons of holes in a plastic scoop. when i get a hit on the detector.I scoop up the sand under the coil. then put the scoop under the coil to see if i got the metal! If it in the scoop i shake it
to get all the sand out. Works real good!!
Rick L
One time i got a good hit. when I emptied the scoop
it had about 6 live 45 rounds in it :-(
Best thing a indian head penny :-)
Rick L
Wow... I find rounds all the time diving over here.. And I don't need a metal detector.. They are everywhere.. Most because of the Battle of Okinawa... But a lot are from training over here too.
$1400! Ouch.. I couldn't spend that much... What is it depth rated to???
I believe the Fisher is rated to 200'.

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