Well, you just sent me through a search of the standards. Since I have never had to do this, I had not paid a lot of attention to it before. What I saw every single time I filled out student forms for the OW class over my teaching career was the place to initial that I had taught a drysuit session in confined water for that student prior to the student using a drysuit for the open water dives. On the current Student Record File, Drysuit Orientation is located right under skin diving skills.You need to indicate the date, initial it, and put in your instructor number.Can you quote those standards?
When I took my PADI OWD, we did the confined water part in wetsuits and were then issued drysuits for the open water part. It seemed sensible to me, since we'd probably overheat if we did the pool sessions dry and freeze our butts off if we did the open water sessions in wetsuits. And there was always at least one divemaster plus the instructor on four students underwater when we did the open water sessions.
I cannot, however, find it mentioned in the standards.