Menstration Sucks

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Water Maiden

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Hong Kong
Menstration really sucks when I want to dive. It is ok to use a tampon or is better to wait. I have read that it really should not bother a diver if the menstration is fairly normal. Any Advise?
I don't see any reason why you shouldn't dive.
If you feel well dive. If you don't, don't.

I know that there have been days that I called the dive due to general feelings of crumminess and pain.



Thanks for ur advise. What also want to know is, if I dive with a period does the pressure affect me? I know I will probably lose more body heat. The waters in Hong Kong can be cool pass 15ft. Does anyone know if I will start to bleed? I will be diving with an almost all guys group. Since they tend to be more conservation, I don't want to cause any embaressment especially me.:embarr:
It's just another fact of life. WM, try a Search of this board on the topic -- there probably isn't any aspect left undiscussed.
kelpmermaid once bubbled...
It's just another fact of life. WM, try a Search of this board on the topic -- there probably isn't any aspect left undiscussed.

Seems this subject is the main purpose of this forum lately!

Take protection and be prepared. None of us know your system and each of us are different, so there's no way we can give you a specific answer that is right for you.

This is a natural bodily function. You and the men you dive with should be old enough to be past embarassment or immature comments.

Do a search for any word pertaining to the has been well discussed in the near past.

Kelpmermaid and Dee

Thanks for the advise. I guess if I have this questions there are alot of female divers who are asking the same. Going through some of the questions on the board gave me some good answers.

Thanks again
Just ignore the juvenile comments, Water Maiden. That's a fine example of the kind of guy you wouldn't want to dive with anyway. Having no first hand experience with menstuation, I see no reason to stay out of the water because of it. As long as everything seems normal and your feeling up to a dive, go for it.
When I dive with a buddy it is almost always one of my pre-menopausal female dive buddies. I've never gotten out of the water when they are menstruating.

Seriously, and quite frankly, I never even considered the issue until I ran across a few posts here on SB. I still consider it a non-issue. It has never been a factor for me and I can't imagine it becoming one in the future.

Ladies... dive with mature males if you dive with us at all, not the maturity challenged ones seen posting in this thread.

Dr. Bill
Goodness, what are some of these men doing trawling through these threads!? Yes, to reiterate a previous responder, ignore the more imbecilic comments.

What is the relationship between menstruation and diving? This is an on-going debate in diving but I'm not going to wait for the definitive study results on the issue.

Common sense is the best bet. If you suffer any symptoms that hinder your diving, then it's best to skip the dive. Otherwise, by all means, dive. A tampon is not a plug (it took a while for me to be convinced at first) as your reproductive tract is not an air space. I haven't exploded yet and neither have my female diving colleagues.

Happy diving

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