A man asked his wife what she'd like for Mother's Day. "I'd love to be six again, " she replied.
See, here in lies the problem. She didn't answer the question properly. I think any man would agree that she should have said, "I'd love to be
a size six again." She answered all wrong. How can you expect him to get it right if you don't say it right.
I've learned that woman
must communicate thoroughly and appropriately when giving a man instructions.
Wrong Way
Man: Where's my shirt that I like to where to the car club on boy's night out?
Woman: In your dresser.
Man: Where?
Woman: I folded it and put it in your dresser?
Man: I can't find it.
Woman: Did you look?
Man: YES!
Woman: Did you open the drawers and move anything?
Man: I can't find it! I can never find anything!
Woman: Well if you would put your own clothes away maybe you would know where it is. (under her breath-- "instead of asking me.")
Man: You come and find it.
Woman: Can I finish using the comode first? (sarcasim)
Correct Way
Man: Where's my shirt that I like to where to the car club on boy's night out?
Woman: It's in your dresser in the far right middle drawer; in the stack on the left side of the drawer; third shirt from the top underneath your red shirt with the O'neil symbol printed on the front. You should be able to find it right away if you move the shirts on top. Would you like me to get it for you when I finish in the bathroom?
Hee hee
Same thing with giving directions on what a woman wants.
Woman: Can you bring the ketcup to the table? It's in the refrigerator in the middle rack in the door on the left hand side behind the A-1 steak sauce and the BBQ sauce. Next to where all the salad dressings are.
Man: Or What do you want to eat for dinner?
Woman: Well, I am not really sure what I want. I don't have a preference for anything particular. But I will tell you that tonight I don't want, McDonald's or Hardees, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, any thing spicy, or Italian.
See how much better that works.