Here's how to write a Clive Cussler Novel:
Chapter 1: Start with a story set at some time in history. Generally it will involve a nautical theme, or a story that results in the loss of a ship / secret weapon / magical item. All the characters in this story generally die.
Chapter 2: Enter an attractive female lead character (FL) in an exotic location. This character will generally be someone interested in science, archaeology, history or some strange occupation that will end up having a connection to the story in Chapter one.
Enter the bad guys who attempt to kill the FL. Let them kill a few other random characters, and catch up with the FL, when, at the last possible moment, Kurt Austin / Dirk Pitt / Dirk Pitt Jr appears out of nowhere to save our Damsel from the nefarious clutches of the bad guys. An amazing co-incidence - our male lead (ML) just happened to be holidaying / conducting a scientific survey / testing out a new mini-sub designed by their cohort and best friend Al Giordino / Joe Zavala (SK or side-kick).
Chapter 3: After consoling the poor FL who instantly falls in love/lust for our ML due to his piercing green / blue eyes and toned and tanned physique with the look of a man who has spent his life at see. Anyway, after consoling the poor dear, our ML learns of the dastardly plot that lead to the attempt on our FL's life. It tuns our that the bad guys have found / found directions to the mysterious object discussed in Chapter 1, and plan to use this to rule / destroy the world. After checking in with NUMA headquarters, our ML becomes positive that he has to take on the bad guys, as it turns out that NUMA is the only organisation that could catch the crims.
Chapter 4 to third last chapter: As our dashing ML continues to investigate the bad guys, another attempt is made to kill him and the FL, from which they again barely escape (or are sometimes thought dead). The massive computing power of the NUMA computer system, the bumbling attempts at investigation by Paul and Gamay trout, and some side-kick moments worthy of a C grade film from SK and we are now aware of the location of the bad dudes headquarters.
Third Last Chapter: Our ML, SK and FL attempt to infiltrate the headquarters of the bad guys. They are caught in the act, tied up, and left alone to die while the Chief Bad Dude (CBD) works to complete his plot to destroy / take over the world.
Second Last Chapter: Through some antics worthy of a Mcgyver series, our ML manges to escape his predicament, and kill the Chief Bad Dude and all of his loyal followers. Hugs abound as he valiantly hides the pain of the bullet wound / knife wound / broken bones that were inflicted during the last chapter
Last Chapter: All's well that ends well, the girl kisses the ML one last time, and dissapear for a bond like quick getaway, from which she is never heard again.....
Chapter 1: Start with a story set at some time in history. Generally it will involve a nautical theme, or a story that results in the loss of a ship / secret weapon / magical item. All the characters in this story generally die.
Chapter 2: Enter an attractive female lead character (FL) in an exotic location. This character will generally be someone interested in science, archaeology, history or some strange occupation that will end up having a connection to the story in Chapter one.
Enter the bad guys who attempt to kill the FL. Let them kill a few other random characters, and catch up with the FL, when, at the last possible moment, Kurt Austin / Dirk Pitt / Dirk Pitt Jr appears out of nowhere to save our Damsel from the nefarious clutches of the bad guys. An amazing co-incidence - our male lead (ML) just happened to be holidaying / conducting a scientific survey / testing out a new mini-sub designed by their cohort and best friend Al Giordino / Joe Zavala (SK or side-kick).
Chapter 3: After consoling the poor FL who instantly falls in love/lust for our ML due to his piercing green / blue eyes and toned and tanned physique with the look of a man who has spent his life at see. Anyway, after consoling the poor dear, our ML learns of the dastardly plot that lead to the attempt on our FL's life. It tuns our that the bad guys have found / found directions to the mysterious object discussed in Chapter 1, and plan to use this to rule / destroy the world. After checking in with NUMA headquarters, our ML becomes positive that he has to take on the bad guys, as it turns out that NUMA is the only organisation that could catch the crims.
Chapter 4 to third last chapter: As our dashing ML continues to investigate the bad guys, another attempt is made to kill him and the FL, from which they again barely escape (or are sometimes thought dead). The massive computing power of the NUMA computer system, the bumbling attempts at investigation by Paul and Gamay trout, and some side-kick moments worthy of a C grade film from SK and we are now aware of the location of the bad dudes headquarters.
Third Last Chapter: Our ML, SK and FL attempt to infiltrate the headquarters of the bad guys. They are caught in the act, tied up, and left alone to die while the Chief Bad Dude (CBD) works to complete his plot to destroy / take over the world.
Second Last Chapter: Through some antics worthy of a Mcgyver series, our ML manges to escape his predicament, and kill the Chief Bad Dude and all of his loyal followers. Hugs abound as he valiantly hides the pain of the bullet wound / knife wound / broken bones that were inflicted during the last chapter
Last Chapter: All's well that ends well, the girl kisses the ML one last time, and dissapear for a bond like quick getaway, from which she is never heard again.....
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