I have been asked numerous times to sign a medical statement on live-aboard trips around the world indicating that I was medically fit to dive. Some of these forms were like the two page PADI form which asks you to answer “yes” or “no” to specific medical conditions. All of the forms contained a similar statement to the one found on the PADI form: “The information I have provided about my medical history is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I affirm it is my responsibility to inform my instructor of any and all changes to my medical history at any time during my participation in scuba programs. I agree to accept responsibility for omissions regarding my failure to disclose any existing or past health condition, or any changes thereto.” Thus, one has the ability to take responsibility for his/her own, undisclosed medical conditions without getting a doctor’s certification to dive. I prefer to answer the questions (I have to answer yes due to medications I take); and thus, when I get my annual physical, I have my doctor complete page 2 of a PADI medical form. I believe that it is in my best interest to disclose my medical conditions since if I am ever injured while on a trip, I may be unconscious and not able to disclose the medical conditions and medications to the treating medical personnel. My embarrassment about disclosing my medications is out-weighed by the potential for needing to get accurate medical treatment if I am injured and unconscious. This assumes the boat gives my medical statement to the treating personnel.