Yes, 3 tanks for $84.98 to an area of the legendary Point Loma Kelp Beds not-as-often gone to! Come join us this Memorial Day to celebrate the holiday in style (and collectively give thanks for those who've died in service to this great country).

This will be a three-tank local trip aboard the well-appointed Humboldt (Waterhorse Charters). The boat provides tanks (steel 85s) and weights. Air compressor is on-board. (You may bring your own tank if you prefer, but be sure to email Waterhorse at info@waterhorsecharters.com and let them know beforehand. This helps them setup the boat.)
Nitrox tanks provided for an extra charge. (Nitrox tanks are not filled on-board. Call ahead of time to set up.) You provide all other gear.
The boat also provides great food and drinks between dives. Hot soup! And, oh yes, they have a hot, fresh-water shower on-board too.
BUDDYS: If you don't have a buddy you may team up with another single on the boat. There are always buddies... however, do not think your buddy will be responsible for you or your diving. You must have good skills and habits to dive at these events. Your buddy will not "baby sit" you.
COST: $84.98
To make reservations: Simply Click Here
TRAIN WHEELS: We'll start our dives out here. A beautiful plateau at 70' with kelp and structure... and also a cavern at 95 fsw with actual train wheels in the mouth and a swim-through chimney in the back. Fun!

SOUTHERN POINT LOMA KELP BEDS x2: Full of life and structure. We will dive spots that have depths 60' to 100' (you choose). I'm thinking the outfall pipe is calling us!
CHECK-IN: 7:00 am Go to the office first to fill out paperwork, then load your gear onto the boat directly behind the office building. (Don't go down to the boat until told to by a crew-member.) The boat leaves the dock at 7:45 am sharp.