The fact that these animals are caught and sometimes killed for scientific reason is understandable. It's the package in which it is delivered that is questionable here, because it sends the wrong message. If a group of researchers would have gone out to sea with one, two or three fishermen and would have doen their thing without creating this sensational event around it, the context in which it would have happened would have been completely different. Now there is this big gung-ho event which only (or so it seems in this context) purpose is fill the sensation seeking need of people and the big egos of the fishermen. The fact that there is some research done, is probably not even noticed by the majority of the people present, let alone the ones that are watching this on TV. So what is the message that comes across: "Hey, it's ok to catch and kill a shark see! Wow I want to catch me a big one like that myself...."
I don't think many people would understand or respect a situation where research needed to be done on a whale and Discovery channel would come up with a whale catching event, invite a buch of Japenese whalers, haul the biggest whale out of the sea and pop the champagne on TV. Few people would understand. Its often not what you do or say, but about how you do or say it.
The problem with threads this long is that you often don't take the time to read all the inbetween responses before you reply, when you've been away for a couple of days. So apologies if all of the above has been chewed on already. (my personal disclaimer )
---------------------------- - where and when to find your favorite critter!
I don't think many people would understand or respect a situation where research needed to be done on a whale and Discovery channel would come up with a whale catching event, invite a buch of Japenese whalers, haul the biggest whale out of the sea and pop the champagne on TV. Few people would understand. Its often not what you do or say, but about how you do or say it.
The problem with threads this long is that you often don't take the time to read all the inbetween responses before you reply, when you've been away for a couple of days. So apologies if all of the above has been chewed on already. (my personal disclaimer )
---------------------------- - where and when to find your favorite critter!