Go big or go home!! I have a cro-magnon man forehead and deep set eyes. Picture Frankenstein in scuba gear.... I've tried on well over 100 masks, including several of those mentioned. Most masks hit me (painfully) just above my nose or are not deep enough to seal around the corners of my eyes. The Aqua-Lung "Rescue" mask and its variants are the only ones that work...mostly...for me. I still have to clear several times, but the water in the mask means I never need anti-fog. There is also the added benefit of having dive masters tell you how their uncle dove the same mask....in 1982. The Freedom HD, and Cortez are close to fitting, but none near as well as the 3 window, hammer head shark looking, takes two full breaths to fill version.
For county team work, I wear a full faced mask and it fits very well....but that's another conversation entirely.
Aqua Lung Wraparound Mask, Black
Good luck,