Mask color

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What is your pick in mask skirt color(clear//black//blue//yellow//gray//??) and why???

I picked a clear skirt and mask body because I had heard this allows more light in and allows for a bit better vision in most conditions. Though I do have my eye on a mask that is black in color, and may just give it a try. I take into account many factors in mask selection.....but for this post was interested in your thoughts on mask color and vision.
Black skirt is used by UW-Photogs to cut out the light from the side when veiwing a camera veiw finder.
Also, black skirts will last longer in much better shape than clear skirts. In the end, it all boils down to personal preference.
What is your pick in mask skirt color(clear//black//blue//yellow//gray//??) and why???

I picked a clear skirt and mask body because I had heard this allows more light in and allows for a bit better vision in most conditions. Though I do have my eye on a mask that is black in color, and may just give it a try. I take into account many factors in mask selection.....but for this post was interested in your thoughts on mask color and vision.

I have noticed a minor problem with my clear skirt mask. Sometimes, especially near the surface, light will enter through the skirt and reflect off the glass back into my eye. You know -- kind of like when you're trying to watch the tv and there's a bright window behind you. It is hardly a big deal. I won't be changing masks but I'd factor it in if I were buying one today.
my first mask had a clear skirt, purge valve in the nose and peripheral view panels (which increased mask volume).

I now dive a low volume, no purge valve black skirt mask and am much happier. The stray light is distracting (to me) and the purge valve hurt my nose and made it harder to equalize at deeper depths.

Anyway, try both on a day dive and on a night dive and see which you like.
What is your pick in mask skirt color(clear//black//blue//yellow//gray//??) and why???

I picked a clear skirt and mask body because I had heard this allows more light in and allows for a bit better vision in most conditions. Though I do have my eye on a mask that is black in color, and may just give it a try. I take into account many factors in mask selection.....but for this post was interested in your thoughts on mask color and vision.

A low volume black skirted mask is the only way to go. A clear skirt allows light to enter and reflect off the glass disrupting your vision.

I dont even really know why they even make clear skirted masks?
I have a clear skirted mask because I like the light and feeling of that, never had problems with reflections or anything. A matter of preference.
For me for some reason, the black skirt fits/seals better than the clear ones.
Black skirt Cressi-Sub Big Eyes Mask, you'll thank me later.
definately clear so i can anything coming from the sides

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